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energy lending

The EU house bank is holding back Europe's shift to sustainable energy

On the occasion of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, a new Bankwatch analysis shows that the European Investment Bank (EIB) has been effectively hindering Europe's energy transition.

Comments on EBRD's draft energy strategy

Bankwatch's detailed comments on the draft energy sector strategy of the European Bank for Reconstruction suggests the introduction of an emissions performance standard at the level of 350 gCO2/kWh for the bank's fossil fuel lending. It also contains comments on other energy sources, carbon markets, energy systems, carbon capture and storage, nuclear safety, and in an additional annex it lays out sustainability criteria for hydropower development.

Dreams of European Investment Bank Quitting Coal Go Up in Smoke - For Now

Climate activists take responsibility for fake press release, bizarre award ceremony

Brussels -- The European Investment Bank (EIB) president Werner Hoyer was forced to say this morning, during the EIB’s annual press conference, that an announcement that the bank would give up lending to coal was “pure nonsense”. And this, despite the fact that Hoyer repeatedly referred to the EIB as a frontrunner in the fight against climate change.

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