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Guest post: Development banks and the Arab Spring, new report takes stock


A new report takes a critical look at the engagement of European development banks in Egypt after the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North African region. This article appeared originally on the Counter Balance blog and has been shortened and slightly edited.

The two sides of reality – what the BTC pipeline means for the EBRD in north Africa


To illustrate its readiness to help Arab Spring countries, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development draws on the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan pipeline project as a positive example. Having closely followed the project, Manana Kochladze outlines why people in north Africa should be wary of what’s to come when the EBRD enters their countries.

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Green investments to deliver sustainable prosperity and jobs

This briefing outlines a number of aspects that - if improved - would enhance the European Commission’s proposal on the future EU budget and maximize benefits for the regions delivered by the future Cohesion Policy while contributing to reach the 2020 climate, energy and biodiversity targets and creating green jobs.

Chercher la femme: gender equality sidelined in international finance


Manana Kochladze, Bankwatch’s regional coordinator for the Caucasus and co-author of our new civil society guide Gender and international financial institutions talks about the impacts on women’s lives when big money comes to help “develop” their countries.

Why not do the obvious and use the EU bugdet for energy efficiency?


As discussions intensify about the future European Union budget, Bankwatch's Czech energy campaigner outlines how spending EU money on energy efficiency promises better economic, social and environmental returns than the prevailing consensus about big infrastructure projects.

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