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More repression, more money - Financing transition in Egypt


New cases of arbitrary repression against civil society happened in the run-up to the presidential elections in Egypt. A look at the loans so far approved by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development suggests that those in power have been more successful in receiving the bank’s support.

Guest post: EBRD justification for supporting coal in Egypt's cement industry is negligent


Colleagues from the Egyptian Centre of Economic and Social Rights criticise the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s too lax approach when examining its activities in Egypt’s cement sector.

Concrete boots already for new EBRD energy policy? Potential support for Egyptian coal projects attracts criticism

In what is shaping up to be another controversial chapter in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's already troubled entry into Egypt in 2012, questions are being asked of the international financial institution as to whether it intends to support coal power financing, specifically to assist Egypt's cement industry.

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