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European banks: it's time to quit coal in Ukraine


In a street action being held today in Kiev as part of the Global Divestment Day, Ukrainians call on public and private investors to end financing for fossil fuels, in particular coal, and instead invest in renewable energy sources which represent the only independent source for the country.

Will Ukrainian coal hijack today's Energy Community meeting?


Currently presiding over the EU-backed Energy Community's Minsterial Council, Ukraine will likely try to dilute environmental regulations in the Treaty. But the country's ageing coal-fired power plants are troubled by inefficiency and pollution and in dire need of environmental improvements.

Dusting off Ukraine's energy sector - Why the country must address inefficiency and pollution at its ageing coal-fired power plants

The study, based on a field trip to two coal power plants and communities in Western Ukraine, highlights some of the pollution challenges of energy generation from coal in Ukraine, explains the urgent need for reform in Ukraine’s energy sector and the opportunities that the Energy Community membership brings to the country.

Cheap coal for Europe comes at high price for Ukrainian people


While Ukraine’s aging coal power infrastructure is causing pollution and energy loss in the country, coal-based electricity is exported at a dumping price to EU countries.

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