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Too good to be true? Assessing one year of the Investment Plan for Europe


Europe is hemorrhaging cash in deeply unsustainable projects like motorways, airports and gas infrastructure.

Western Balkans countries invest at least 2.4 times as much in coal as in wind power

All the Western Balkans countries have committed to increase their share of renewable energy by 2020 to reach between 25 and 40 percent of their energy mix, as part of their obligations under the Energy Community Treaty. Yet this is far from obvious when examining their investment plans for new power generation capacity. Governments are actively planning to build 2800 MW of new coal plants with construction cost of at least EUR 4.5 billion. In contrast, these countries are only planning to build around 1166 MW of wind power plants, at an estimated cost of EUR 1.89 billion.

Western Balkan countries invest more than twice as much in coal as in wind power: new Bankwatch analysis

Western Balkan countries are planning investments in wind power, but these are being heavily outweighed by their investments in coal plants, according to a CEE Bankwatch Network analysis launched today. The region’s governments are actively planning 2800 MW of new coal plants but allowing only around 1166 MW of wind power plants to be built.

The EU's bank turns its back on Europe's long term climate goals


It appears that before approving the European Investment Bank's new climate strategy, the bank's Board of Directors has removed a reference to the European Union's long-term decarbonisation objectives as a guidance for the EIB's climate action.

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