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Quebec hydroelectric firm rides Balkan ‘dam tsunami’ in showcase of Canadian expertise

Source: Damon van der Linde , Financial Post

MONTREAL — Quebec has had an international reputation for hydroelectric engineering since the nationalization of Hydro-Québec in the 1960s. The construction of the James Bay Project — one of the largest hydroelectric systems in the world — helped launch the province as a leader in the field and that expertise is getting notice around the world.

Campaign update: Georgian mountain communities consider restoring long abandoned tradition to tackle threats to their land


With hydropower and mining projects encroaching on their lands and livelihoods, Svan communities in Georgia’s northwest consider convening in an ancestral assembly to discuss their course of action.

New agreement for Georgian Khudoni dam signals expropriations and tariff hike


After hitting a snag, the Khudoni dam in Georgia’s mountains is back in the game threatening to expropriate private lands and to bump up electricity prices for Georgian consumers. The controversial changes in an amended contract have inflamed the passion of the Svans who have for years tried to protect their communities from flooding.

Tensions are rising over hydropower and the lack of participation in Georgia's mountains


The mistrust and frustration of communities in the mountains of north-western Georgia is deepening over make-shift consultations on large dam constructions.

HEC-et po shkatërrojnë natyrën, akuza bankave e institucioneve të BE-së

Source: Top Channel, Top Channel

Një raport teknik i një rrjeti organizatash jofitmprurëse të Europës qëndrore dhe asaj lindore akuzon bankat ndërkombëtare të zhvillimit dhe institucionet e Bashkimit Europian se po financojnë në Shqipëri projekte që rrezikojnë monumentet natyrore dhe parqet kombëtare të vendit.

Will Georgia go green after EU association agreement?


On Friday Georgia will sign an association agreement with the European Union, meaning that our country will start cooperating more closely with the EU and even implement more European legislation. This is good news, particularly when it comes to the environment.

Georgian hydro projects are a test case for the EBRD's good governance policies


As activists pointed out at a consultation meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia's hydropower sector has plenty of lessons to be learned by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

[Campaign update*] Georgian government and investors reject Ombudsman's offer to mediate in controversy over Khudoni mega dam


The growing antagonism between promoters of the Khudoni hydropower plant project in Georgia and their local opponents from Kaishi is unlikely to ease when the investor and the Georgian Ministry of Energy boycott mediation by Georgia’s Ombudsman.

[Campaign update] Growing solidarity with local communities in Georgia puts Khudoni dam in spotlight


Protests against the Khudoni mega-dam in Georgia are spreading beyond the local communities affected by the dam. [*]

Hydro power plants endanger the Balkan lynx in Macedonia


A fact-finding mission to Macedonia has confirmed our concerns that two planned hydro power plants are set to destroy important natural habitats in the Mavrovo National Park.

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