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KenGen's intimidation of local community - NGO letter to development banks financing the Olkaria geothermal project in Kenya

A global group of non-governmental organizations today called on the World Bank, European Investment Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, German Development Bank- KFW, French Agency for Development, and other international financial institutions involved with the Olkaria I, IV, and V geothermal projects in Kenya to take immediate action and demand that the project promoter, Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen), withdraw all legal charges against Maasai community members who have raised concerns regarding these projects.

Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates

Source: Fatjona Mejdini, Balkan Insight

NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation.

Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.

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