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World Bank's controversial TANAP loan is bad news for human rights and climate action

Yesterday, the World Bank’s board of directors approved two USD 400 million loans, to Azerbaijan and to Turkey, to develop the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the centrepiece of the Southern Gas Corridor project. CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance are deeply concerned that the decision to channel such large amounts of money to Europe’s biggest fossil fuels project could exacerbate the already dismal human rights situation in both Azerbaijan and Turkey, and undermine the global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

Gas pipelines run over EU energy policy

Source: Terry Macalister, Climate News Network

Critics claim €3bn European funding for the Southern Gas Corridor energy project would undermine EU climate change targets and gloss over human rights abuses.

LONDON, 14 September, 2016 – Civil society campaigners have accused the European Union of pouring unprecedented amounts of state aid into a huge energy project that runs counter to its own climate change objectives.

European institutions accused of undermining Paris Agreement by funding dirty energy projects

Source: Madeleine Cuff, BusinessGreen

EU bodies including the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are backing fossil fuel projects that threaten progress on climate targets, NGOs claim

Despite the promises made in Paris in December last year, key European institutions continue to fund dirty energy generation over alternative energy sources, according to a new report released yesterday [...]

Mining Company Shirks Blame for Glacier Damage in Kyrgyzstan

Source: Ryskeldi Satke, Glacier Hub

The most controversial gold mining project in Central Asia is back in the spotlight again this month. Canadian mining company Centerra Gold has re-launched its public relations campaign in Kyrgyzstan to improve the company’s image over the status of glaciers at the Kumtor gold mine, one of the world’s biggest open-pit gold mines and a flagship project that accounts for 90 percent of company’s profits.

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