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Slovakia's EU presidency: a chance to improve European biomass regulations


In its EU funds spending plans, Slovakia has shown commendable dedication to making bioenergy more sustainable. Taking over the EU presidency in June, it will have a unique chance to apply its expertise to improve European regulations on biomass.

Slovakia's EU funds spending plans: finance for the energy transition - where's it at?


Slovakia has missed the opportunity to use the EUR 14 billion of Cohesion spending to transform its largely monopolistic, heavily state influenced energy economy with its high dependence on imported fossil fuels and high carbon intensity.

EU funds spending plans in Hungary: the dark side is in the details


Hungary allocates a relatively high amount of EU Funds to energy but an in-depth analysis shows a lack of direct, non-refundable support in renovation of residential buildings, significant finance for burning instead of preventing waste and potentially unsustainable use of biomass.

EU funds spending plans in Latvia: What's hidden behind the 'green veneer'?


The millions of EU Cohesion Policy money are choosing the 'darker side' of Latvia's renewable energy sources.

Misuse of EU funds holds back Europe's clean energy transition


The new member states from Central Europe misuse the EU funding aimed at decarbonising their energy systems.

Latvia and the Energy Union: biomass is a blind spot


To make sure Latvia’s energy path does not lead into a dead end for sustainability, the Energy Union should facilitate alternatives to unsustainable fuelwood.

Hungary and the Energy Union: The devil is in the details


Hungary needs to transform its energy sector. But can the Energy Union kickstart such change? The vision presented by the European Commission's Vice President Maroš Šefčovič includes a few promising nuggets, but overall risks reinforcing the status quo.

EU funds and biomass: Slovakia risks losing sight of both the wood and the trees

EU funds for the 2014-2020 budgetary period look set to further fuel the massive over-exploitation of biomass for energy use in Slovakia. Formally, both the European Commission and the Slovak Ministry of Economy have announced the introduction of sustainability rules to govern the use of new EU money. Yet only the final phase of EU funds programming – now under way – will determine whether or not this latest injection of EU investment money will recklessly contribute to the destruction of Slovakia’s key natural treasure – its forests.

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