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TAP in Albania

Source: Mariglen Bita, Korca TV

Organizata joqeveritare Bank Watch Network po kryen nje vizite dhe inspektim ne vendin tone per te pare nga afer zbatimin e projekteve madhore me impakt ne ekonomi. Sipas perfaqesuesve te kesaj organizate eshte mjaft e rendesishme qe gjate implementimit ne terren te projekteve madhore dhe afatgjata te merren parasysh interesat e banoreve dhe qytetareve per tu ofruar atyre zgjidhje te qendrueshme.

Oil casts long shadow over local people in Albania

Local development and investments in resource extraction rarely go together hand in hand. Bankwatch's Media coordinator David Hoffman reports back on a recent visit to the EBRD sponsored Patos Marinza oil field in Albania. The case provides valuable lessons for the current revision of the EBRD’s safeguard policies.

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