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The European Investment Bank is not ready for a capital increase, NGOs say

Brussels – As EU Ministers of Finance are currently gathering at the Annual General Meeting of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to discuss a possible capital increase, civil society organisations that monitor the EIB say the bank is not ready for such a move.

Video projected on the European Parliament questions potential European Investment Bank's capital increase

Brussels – On Monday night a video was projected on the building of the European Parliament which denounced the unsustainable energy portfolio of the European Investment Bank (EIB). The 1 minute video concluded with: “Make the EIB chose a brighter future before increasing its capital”, a message for EIB governors which gather Tuesday 15 May in Brussels during the bank’s Annual General Meeting. The main topic will be a possible capital increase of the EIB.

Ombla hydropower project under fire in the European Parliament

The 68 MW Ombla underground hydropower project, for which the EBRD approved a EUR 123.2 loan in 22 November 2011, is once again under fire, this time in the European Parliament. Both the project itself and its approval process have attracted widespread criticism from civil society and biodiversity experts as the project location forms part of a future Natura 2000 site. In 2008 the Croatian State Institute for Nature Protection declared the project “unacceptable for nature”.

The medium-sized EIB bazooka - Europe's people and environment must benefit this time around

As it begins to dawn on Europe's elite that fiscal austerity is not working after all, the European Investment Bank is once again the talk of the EU as decision-makers scramble to stimulate national economies that are hemhorraging jobs and living standards - and hope - across the continent.

Corruption cases put EBRD due diligence in the spotlight

In recent months bribery and money laundering allegations levelled at a former EBRD banker, as well as revelations that an EBRD staffer, now suspended, is one of the founders of the far-right, racist organisation the English Defence League have not made for great PR for the EBRD.

Green initiatives compromised by private equity

A new greenfield gas cogeneration power plant Cogen in the north of Slovakia is planned to produce power and heat. It is to be financially supported by both the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development through the private equity EnerCap Power Fund.

Improve quality of EIB lending before increasing quantity - letter to EIB governors

The letter, sent shortly before the European Investment Bank's annual meeting, calls on EIB governors to improve the EIB's lending before increasing its capital base as a response to the European crisis. The letter argues that in order to offer a long term solution, EIB backed projects should be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Right now this is not the case.

Debatte über Ökologisierung des EU-Budgets läuft an

Source: , DNR

Der Ministerrat für Allgemeine Angelegenheiten hat am 24. April erstmals die Vorschläge der EU-Kommission zum Mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen und zur Kohäsionspolitik diskutiert. In der Diskussion forderten mehrere Mitgliedstaaten Einschnitte in allen Bereichen aufgrund der aktuellen Wirtschaftslage.

The medium-sized EIB bazooka - Europe's people and environment must benefit this time around


As it begins to dawn on Europe's elite that fiscal austerity is not working after all, the European Investment Bank is once again the talk of the EU as decision-makers scramble to stimulate national economies that are hemhorraging jobs and living standards - and hope - across the continent.

EBRD probes Slovenia plant contract with Alstom

Source: Elena Berton and Marja Novak, Reuters

LJUBLJANA/PARIS, April 20 (Reuters) - Slovenia has taken a step toward providing government loan guarantees that would enable completion of a controversial 1.3 billion euro ($1.7 billion) power plant upgrade awarded four years ago to French engineering company Alstom.

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