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Climate action missing as ministers dance around EU budget 'Pandora's box'

Brussels, Belgium -- Today's General Affairs Council meeting to discuss the EU's next Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (MFF) saw further stalemate between those member states seeking to ensure no cuts to the European commission's outline MFF proposals, and those member states determined that cuts must occur while insisting that the emphasis must instead be on the 'quality' of future MFF spending.

Przeciwnicy odkrywek przyjadą do Lubina

Source: Unknown author, Ekonomia24.pl, Rzeczpospolita

Polscy przeciwnicy budowy kopalń odkrywkowych węgla brunatnego zyskują nowych sojuszników. Poparcie otrzymali już od podobnych organizacji działających w Niemczech, przedstawiciele kolejnych krajów deklarują pomoc w walce z odkrywkami w Polsce i Europie

Comments on the EBRD's draft country strategy for Estonia

The comments, prepared by Estonian Green Movement/Friends of the Earth Estonia, focus on EBRD financing in the energy sector.

EUR 172 billion are needed for energy efficiency in 7 countries of Central and Eastern Europe

Source: , 3e News

The total investment cost for renewable sources in Bulgaria would be approximately EUR 745 million, according analysis of CEE Bankwatch Network

EBRD should not invest in Polish energy company suspected of corruption, say European NGOs

Warsaw – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is considering participating in a EUR 772 million loan for a subsidiary of major Polish energy group ENEA, whose management is currently being investigated by authorities because of alleged irregularities in management and misuse of public funds.

Another case of alleged corruption in a CEE energy company


Alleged corruption at Poland’s second biggest state-owned energy company ENEA S.A. may compromise yet another project financed by European public banks.

No half measures - Investment needs in energy efficiency and renewables in the CEE countries

The study offers an overview of estimated investment needs of CEE countries and compares them with the amounts currently earmarked for low-carbon economy, energy efficiency and renewables in the European Commission proposals on Cohesion policy and the Multi-annual Financial Framework.

No Half Measures: Investment Needs in Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Central and Eastern Europe

Brussels -- At least 172 billion euros need to be invested in energy efficiency and renewables in central and eastern Europe over the next seven years to kick start the decarbonisation of the region and create hundreds of thousands of much needed jobs, shows a study published today by CEE Bankwatch Network [1]. The next EU budget (2014-2020) could contribute to these needs if current short-sighted attempts by some member states to cut the overall size of the budget are prevented.

Letter to EBRD: Potential ENEA loan is connected to corruption allegations and a coal power plant

The letter describes the controversies connected to a potential EBRD loan to Polish energy company ENEA. (Find more information on our blog.)

EU budget 2014-2020: Implementing the climate commitment

To reach the EU agreed climate and energy targets by 2020, the European Commission states that at least 20% of the future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 should support climate action. The Coalition for a Sustainable EU budget strongly supports this initiative and ask to increase it to 25% of the next MFF. In order to have a proper legal basis, this commitment should be included in the Negotiating Box and in the Inter-Institutional Agreement.

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