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EU neighbourhood

Europe's Keystone XL: Planned gas pipeline is reckless


The Southern Gas Corridor risks locking in higher fossil fuel dependence and wasting colossal amounts of public money.

Lost in transition: Far-reaching changes needed as European bank marks 25 years

On April 15, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will be marking its 25th anniversary. Reflecting on two decades of monitoring the EBRD's policies and projects, a new report from CEE Bankwatch Network raises concerns about a growing gap between the bank's operations and its mandate.

Lost in transition - 25 years of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

This report examines a selection of cases monitored by CEE Bankwatch Network and its partners in recent years and highlights some of the weaknesses observed in the EBRD’s approach to environmental, social, democracy and development issues.

On 15 April 2016 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will mark its 25th anniversary. This opportunity should kick-start a debate about what the London-based public bank has achieved since it started operations in 1991 and to reflect on its future.

Where the grass is less green. Public funding for energy in the European Neighbourhood Policy

Countries of the European Neighbourhood have received a boost to their energy sectors in the last decade, thanks in part to the prominent role played by the EU as a catalyst of both policy reforms and financing. This study examines EU financing for the energy sector in 16 countries of the European Neighbourhood between 2007 and 2014.

Ukraine needs European values and Europe's solidarity


Ahead of a referendum in the Netherlands on the association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, Olexi Pasyuk from the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine discusses the agreement’s importance for Ukraine’s civil society and why Europe must still improve how it engages with the country.

New agreement for Georgian Khudoni dam signals expropriations and tariff hike


After hitting a snag, the Khudoni dam in Georgia’s mountains is back in the game threatening to expropriate private lands and to bump up electricity prices for Georgian consumers. The controversial changes in an amended contract have inflamed the passion of the Svans who have for years tried to protect their communities from flooding.

Ukrajina predlžuje životnosť „zombie“ reaktorov

Source: Martina Dupáková, Euractiv.sk

Aktivisti upozorňujú na vážne bezpečnostné nedostatky starnúcich jadrových kapacít.

V apríli si svet pripomenie 30. výročie najväčšej jadrovej katastrofy v Európe, ktorá sa odohrala v ukrajinskej elektrárni Černobyľ.

Len o niekoľko dní neskôr plánuje ukrajinská Štátna inšpekcia pre jadrový dozor začať proces predlžovania životnosti dvoch reaktorov v najväčšej atómovej elektrárni v Európe v Záporoží na východe krajiny, približne 250 kilometrov od bojovej línie.

Ради Westinghouse США готовят на Украине второй Чернобыль. Перспективы атома

Source: Ольга Шелкова, News24UA

Украинская атомная энергетика практически полностью связана с российским атомным комплексом. Все 4 станции с 15 энергоблоками оборудованы реакторами производства РФ ВВЭР-400 и ВВЭР-1000. До 2011 г. все ядерное топливо поставлялось из России компанией ТВЭЛ. Но тренд «гэть від Москви» в полной мере коснулся и этой отрасли, которая на протяжении многих лет в ущерб безопасности подвергается жестоким и опасным экспериментам.

The hefty health toll of coal burning in the Western Balkans - and what is not being done about it


While the Energy Community yesterday failed to consider more stringent air pollution rules for the Western Balkans, a new report quantifies the health costs of the region’s coal burning both within the region itself as well as in the neighbouring European Union.

Tensions are rising over hydropower and the lack of participation in Georgia's mountains


The mistrust and frustration of communities in the mountains of north-western Georgia is deepening over make-shift consultations on large dam constructions.

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