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Bankwatch Mail

Bankwatch Mail is our printed newsletter, published four times a year and coinciding with important events in the international financial institutions we monitor.

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Bankwatch Mail | December 17, 2007

In this issue: The more things change… * … the more they stay the same * Backing a loser: PPP never never land comes to CEE * Albania at the crossroads – how the IFIs could be doing so much more * Outbreak of winter silly season commentary on the EBRD * Recent Bankwatch publications

Bankwatch Mail | June 4, 2007

In this issue: Too much carbon in EU funding – Commission rubber stamps 30 percent rise in Polish GHGs * EIB approves Bujagali Dam in Uganda despite major flaws * Environmental and social safeguards – time to get serious at the EIB * Poland facing trial in European Court of Justice over Via Baltica * Dos and donts - how the EIB can avoid development pitfalls * When is corruption not corruption? Ask the EIB * The memory hole

Bankwatch Mail | May 18, 2007

In this issue: The need for diversification in the Russian economy: a role for the EBRD? * Sakhalin II problems persist despite ownership fight * EBRD tries to shrug off devastating Kashagan oilfield impacts * Aarhus Convention ignored by IFIs in Albania * Squeezing the poor: the EBRD’s role in privatisation in Montenegro * More EBRD money to fund more Mittal tragedy in Kazakhstan?

Bankwatch Mail | April 18, 2007

In this issue: Planes, loans and automobiles * Kyrgyzstan’s government rejected HIPC shackles thanks to public pressure * Editorial: Double standards for how much longer? * The nuclear white elephant in Bulgaria’s room * Rospuda interview – EU law in the driving seat * First PPP motorway in Russia to cause problems for thousands of people * Your voice in Europe: support the Green paper on urban transport

Bankwatch Mail | October 31, 2006

In this issue: Race against time to salvage EU funding for sustainable energy in the new member states * Bulgaria’s nuclear dowry * Customer complaints hit EIB shopping centre loan in Hungary * Hot air could become hotter in Ukraine * EBRD Environmental Policy Review is rolling * Short cuts over houses required for more growth in Slovakia * Toxic dump in a marine reserve? * World Bank Group’s renewable energy numbers exposed * NGO energy report * EBRD pigs to fly again?

Bankwatch Mail | May 30, 2006

In this issue: Cohesion or Collision? EU funding and biodiversity * Shell's Sakhalin project no friend of people or nature * People's right to know not fully reflected in EIB's new plans to show * Will the neighbouring countries' biodiversity be bulldozed by TEN-T extension? * EIB 1996-2006; Evolution of an invisible giant * New Citizen's Guide for better use of internationally recognised complaint mechanisms * Saaremaa bridge- a crazy Estonian dream * EU waste strategy and public funds must not go up in smoke

Bankwatch Mail | May 21, 2006

In this issue: Forging the future, without faking it * Prostitution, trafficking, and STDs on the rise in EBRD oil projects * The EBRD's PIP show * Azerbaijan's oil boom showing troubling signs * Georgia's economic situation less than rosy * New energy targets don't tell the whole story * EBRD's kiss and tell reinvents transition * The memory hole * New Zagreb waste strategy fails to justify incineration

Bankwatch Mail | March 3, 2006

In this issue: Sakhalin fishermen’s struggle for justice * Can the EIB deliver on development? * The memory hole * Scraping the bottom of the end-of-pipe barrel * Social issues SOS from EBRD Environmental Department * Time to wake up from South-East Europe’s pipeline dreams * Nukes and cronies in the Balkans * Two or three Americans: Wolfowitz and his Republican appointees * World Bank helping to tarnish jewels of Polish nature * EIB in the South. In whose interest? * We will not be moved * EU funds in central and eastern Europe: cohesion or collision?

Bankwatch Mail | September 20, 2005

In this World Bank monothematic issue: Key IFC review threatens Wolfowitz's noble mission * Czech Republic's carbon cowboys exposed * World Bank rubs salt into Uzbek wounds * Why Serbian pensioners are calling World Bank reforms 'genocidal' * The Memory Hole * Canadian mining company discovering more than it bargained for in south-east Bulgaria * EIR still not getting through in Russia or in Washington

Bankwatch Mail | June 15, 2005

In this EIB monothematic issue: EIB’s proposed revision to Information Policy – a step backwards *The EIB in developing countries – a blessing or a curse? * Large dams, big trouble * Positives undermined: the EIB’s lending for renewable energies * Taxpayers’ money drowned with EIB assistance * Bratislava’s bridge of sighs – EIB content to wipe its hands clean * The Memory Hole * Hunt on for new Communications and Information Director at EIB * EIB reform posters heading to Brussels and Luxembourg

Bankwatch Mail | May 15, 2005

In this EBRD monothematic issue: EBRD coughs up for labour rights abuser * Winds of change at the EBRD? * Energy cross roads - it´s make up your mind time for the EBRD * Are the IFIs responsible for the Tulip Revolution? * Sustainable transport: DELAYS AHEAD * Baku Ceyhan documentary wins audience prize at international human rights film festival * Rosia Montana campaigner wins 2005 'Environmental Nobel' * Clean energy bankable home and away

Bankwatch Mail | February 24, 2005

In this issue: Sakhalin II hots up * EBRD: It´s time to combat climate change * Extracting benefits: moving beyond voluntary revenue transparency * EU funds: Quantity and quality must go together * Kresna victory: Sofia rapped over Bern Convention breaches * New Bulgarian coalition formed to optimise Structural funds for 2007-2013 * DOE-no! Another pointless mega-project * EBRD transport policy: How the transition countries can escape the “transit” ghetto * It´s a funny old game! * Banca Intesa pulls out of BTC * The Memory Hole

Bankwatch Mail | September 7, 2004

In this World Bank monothematic issue: Troubling trends in the IFC’s Social and Environmental Safeguards review * Oil & development: The World Bank's test case in Africa * If there's mess around your house, don't blame the dustman … talk to his managers * Back To Controversy * The carbon spin doctors: How the World Bank explains emissions trading to journalists * Need some ERUs? Ask the World Bank's PCF how to get more * New Bankwatch publications

Bankwatch Mail | June 7, 2004

In this EIB monothematic issue: Public Funds for Public Benefit – new NGO campaign launched * Mónica Ridruejo uncensored * EIB outside Europe but not out of sight * The IFC’s “no” to controversial Slovak paper mill followed by the EIB’s “yes” * Is thinking big the way to Stability? * BTC campaigner persecuted in Turkey * EIR for all – including the EIB * Dubious gains: the EIB’s involvement in the Slovak rail system * Access denied: the EIB’s mythical Information Policy

Bankwatch Mail | April 7, 2004

In this EBRD monothematic issue: Energy but not for Sakhalin * EBRD takes action on Uzbek human rights* EBRD must make “publish what you pay” stick * K2R4: the never-ending story * The EBRD and Smithfield Foods: Polish pig farmers stuck in the middle * Filling the EBRD’s natural resources and energy policies void * European Parliament boosts the MDBs renewables debate * The green alternative for Georgia: an interview with Manana Kochladze