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In order to improve the efficiency and safety of rail operations within the city of Tbilisi the EBRD together with the EIB is considering a loan of over EUR 290 million for the Tbilisi Railway Bypass Project. The main goal of the project to avoid the transit of hazardous freight (such as oil and oil products) through the middle of the city, but there are several deep concerns that undermine the project goals and cause a serious threat to Tbilisi’s population.

Social & economic impacts

The Nabucco pipeline project is based on the idea to bring Caspian or Middle Eastern gas through Turkey to the EU. Its planned route is 3300 kilometres long with an estimated construction cost of almost EUR 8 billion.

World Bank Group
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Other harmful projects

With limited information available on the project and little opportunities to influence the developments, the local community has perceived the Vlora energy and industry park as a megalomaniac project which poses threat to a local economy dependant on tourism and harms the fragile marine and wetlands ecosystems.

World Bank Group
Energy & climate
Other harmful projects

The decommissioning of the old Ignalina nuclear power plant units risks raising economic and social problems for the region where it is located.

Energy & climate

Zagreb City Council is planning to build a 385 000 tonnes-per-year waste-to-energy plant, for which the official cost estimate is EUR 161 400 000. The plant would burn municipal waste and sewage sludge. Croatian environmental NGO Green Action, along with local residents’ groups, believes that the incinerator plans are premature and dangerous.

Resource efficiency

Since 1994, Shell has been spearheading an oil and gas extraction project in Sakhalin Island, a far eastern Russian territory. This development will affect the world's last 100 or so western pacific grey whales; it will destroy the marine environment; and it will threaten the livelihood of tens of thousands of fishermen.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Other harmful projects

Following more than ten years of campaigning in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Government finally decided to drop plans for the Belene nuclear power plant that was slated for construction along a seismic fault line.

Social & economic impacts

The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Export Oil Pipeline (BTC), a key component of US Energy Security strategy, is being hailed as a model of development and poverty alleviation by the involved international financial institutions. But their involvement has once again revealed the distance between the theory and rhetoric of the development banks on the one hand and their influence on the ground on the other.

World Bank Group
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts

In 1999, Gabriel Resources, the Canadian mining company, was granted the right to mine gold in the Rosia Montana area in Romania. Rosia Montana was to become Europe's largest open-cast gold mining project. As Gabriel, the Barbados-registered company with no mining experience whatsoever, is seeking to keep its costs low, they plan to use the controversial cyanide leaching method.

World Bank Group
Social & economic impacts
Other harmful projects