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In Albania, oil's history casts long shadows over locals


The findings of a visit to the EBRD sponsored Patos Marinza oil field in Albania show how local development and investments in resource extraction often do not go hand in hand. The case provides valuable lessons for the revision of the EBRD’s safeguard policies.

Spout in Kalmit, Albania

Villagers complain that potable water is non-existent and even is unsuitable for washing clothes

Transport in Jagodina, Albania

Villagers complain that frequent truck traffic is destroying the roads and increasing dust pollution in the area. They say that investments in roads are a priority for the community.

Sludge pit, Patos Marinza, Albania

Storage for waste from Bankers Petroleum oil extraction activities.

School children in Kalmit, Albania

Children on the way home from school.

The schoolyard in Kalmit, Albania

The Kalmit community has no money to make repairs and improvement to the school.

Kalmit school, Albania

The gymnasium of Kalmit school is in a state of disrepair.

Oil in Patos Marinza, Albania

The largest onshore oil field is in Patos Marinza.

Vlora, Albania

The coastal town of Vlora is a popular tourist destination for Albanians and foreigners alike.

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