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2 ONG déposent plainte contre Vinci Russie pour corruption d'agent public étranger

Source: Béatrice Héraud, novethic

Après une première plainte déposée il y a trois ans contre Vinci concessions Russie SA, Sherpa récidive.

L’association s’est alliée à CEE Bankwatch Network pour porter plainte avec constitution de partie civile auprès du doyen des juges d'instruction de Nanterre. Une action soutenue par Princip, une association de défense de la fôret de Khimki. Elles accusent l’entreprise de corruption d'agent public étranger dans le cadre de l'attribution du marché de construction du tronçon de l'autoroute MK 15-58.

Постепенно въглищата ще останат в историята като енергоносител

Source: Ивелина Петрова, Бизнес старт / Bloomberg TV Bulgaria

Генади Кондарев, енергиен експерт към Bankwatch, в предаването Бизнес старт

58% от домакинствата в България се отопляват на твърдо гориво, а останали близо 40% се отопляват с електроенергия. Това каза Генади Кондарев, енергиен експерт към Bankwatch, в предаването „Бизнес старт“ по Bloomberg TV Bulgaria.

BiH Business Forum: Region Welcomes Chinese Investments in Energy

Source: Simona Drevenšek, Energetika-Net

Chinese investors are prepared to keep investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as well as Republika Srpska in the field of energy, among other things, said Petar Đokić, Republika Srpska’s Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, yesterday at the 7th international investment conference ‘Sarajevo Business Forum (SBF) - Prospects for China +16 CEEC’, which is taking place in Sarajevo on 4-5 May. ...

Bosnia and Herzegovina signs deal for Tuzla 7 coal plant construction - but its economics are shrouded in mystery


In spite of an updated construction contract for a new unit at the Tuzla coal-fired power plant, the project's economic feasibility remains a puzzle with missing pieces.

In Georgia, protests against dams precede development bank meetings

Police were called in to oversee some of the protests, with villagers blocking access roads to construction sites, carrying banners and calling on national authorities and international financiers to put an end to the works.

Cu ochii pe reactoarele de la Cernavodă

Source: Catalin Balan, Digi24

Cu cele două reactoare nucleare ale sale, România nu poate sta departe de controversele legate de explozia de la Cernobîl. Mii de români au suferit din cauza radiaţiilor de acum 30 de ani. Alţii se tem de un posibil nou accident. Autorităţile spun totuşi că în ţara noastră accidentele nucleare sunt imposibile. Pe plan internaţional, terorismul este văzut ca principala ameninţare pentru o centrală atomică, iar în România s-au făcut doar calcule teoretice privind rezistenţa reactoarelor de la Cernavodă.

Briefing: Nenskra hydropower plant, Georgia

This briefing was prepared and presented during the annual meetings of the Asian Development Bank on 2 May 2016 in Frankfurt.

Parliament gets tough on control of EU Bank's funds

In its annual resolution on the European Investment Bank adopted today in Brussels, Members of the European Parliament have criticised the bank’s support to projects under corruption investigations. They also called on the EIB to go further on fighting climate change, tax evasion and tax dodging.

Counter Balance and CEE Bankwatch Network welcome the positions taken today by the Parliament in this resolution.

Briefing on Nenskra hydropower plant for the Asian Development Bank

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