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Arcelor Mittal SA: Undone and dusted

Source: Charlotte Matthews, Financial Mail

No-one who has driven between Bloemfontein and Johannesburg could fail to have noticed the haze, stench and massive steelworks near the motorway. But Amsa is not the only polluter in the area. Sasol, Eskom power stations and, in winter, household coal fires also contribute to the horrible air quality

Police investigates irregularities at TES 6 in Slovenia

Ljubljana, Slovenia -- The Slovenian police confirmed June 7 that it was looking into allegations of mismanagement at coal plant Sostanj, including serious questions over the building of new lignite block TES 6.

Egypten får IMF-lån på milde betingelser

Source: Mette Rodgers, information.dk

Et lån fra Den Internationale Valutafond på tre mia. dollar uden skrappe krav skal genstarte den egyptiske økonomi, siger landets finansminister

Vesten sender bankerne ind

Source: Mette Rodgers, information.dk

Den Europæiske Udviklingsbank vil nu overføre erfaringerne fra Østeuropa med at bruge donorbistand til at hjælpe demokrati på vej til Nordafrika. Men kritikere påpeger, at det ikke er specielt åbenlyst, at bankernes indrykning i overgangssamfund indtil nu har ført til mere demokrati

L'UE échafaude son plan pour aider les pays de la Méditerranée

Source: , EurActiv France

La reconstruction des pays arabes prendra des années, mais les mois qui viennent sont décisifs. Les populations civiles seront les premières juges de l'action de l'UE, qui doit être vigilante dans l'attribution de ses aides. Enquête.

Bringing Georgian realities to the EBRD drawing board


David Chipashvili from Bankwatch member group Green Alternative in Georgia talks about the opportunities and threats in bringing concerns from the ground to the attention of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Egypt's Orderly Transition? International Aid and the Rush to Structural Adjustment

Source: Adam Hanieh, Jadaliyya

Although press coverage of events in Egypt may have dropped off the front pages, discussion of the post-Mubarak period continues to dominate the financial news. Over the past few weeks, the economic direction of the interim Egyptian government has been the object of intense debate in the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

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