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European Parliament makes a step towards putting the 'E' into EBRD


By requesting a number of changes at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Parliament has confirmed at least some of Bankwatch's criticism of the bank's mode of operation and (in a subtle way) also its overall approach.

Art installation at Berlaymont denounces banking on coal

Brussels – With an art installation that symbolizes EU citizens locked in a polluted environment, the Slovenian artist Marko Kumer Murč and Slovene environmentalists from Focus protest against European public and private banks pouring hundreds of millions of euros into a new lignite plant in their country, at Sostanj. Many Slovenians oppose this project and the Slovenian parliament has just refused to support a state guarantee for the banks’ loans. The action is supported by the international NGOs Banktrack and CEE Bankwatch Network, which are campaigning against the project.

Story of an artists. Leaflet against EU support for the Sostanj lignite power plant in Slovenia

Upset by Slovenia's plans to build a huge lignite power plant unit in Sostanj, Slovenian artist Marko Kumer-Murc and Slovene environmentalists from Focus brought their protest to Brussels. The leaflet tells Marko's story and offers a quick round-up of Sostanj and other coal power plants that are supported by international financial institutions.

No EU funds for Czech incinerators

Source: , Recycling Portal

The Czech Republic plans to build three new incinerators with EU regional funds available for big waste management projects in the current EU budget (2007-2013). According to information provided to CEE Bankwatch Network by the Czech State Environmental Fund, a mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) would be three times cheaper per installed ton capacity to build than incinerators. This difference will eventually be passed on to the households in price for waste management.

Incinerators 'should not get cohesion funds'

Source: Charlotte Owen, ENDS Europe

MEPs and member states must ban the use of EU cohesion funds for incinerator projects when they legislate on the European Commission's package of proposals to overhaul cohesion policy, according to green group CEE Bankwatch.

Three new Czech incinerators to burn EU regional funds

Prague- CEE Bankwatch Network has learnt that the Czech Republic is planning to use 80% of regional funds dedicated to big waste projects for 2007-2013 [1] for the construction of new incinerators, which are three times more expensive than alternative waste management solutions.

A historic event, the European Investment Bank opens its doors (a bit)


Ahead of a meeting next week that offers a unique chance for discussion with the EIB's Board of Directors, Bankwatch's EIB team leader Anna Roggenbuck gives an overview over some of the issues to which she'd like to hear some comments by the bank's enigmatic leadership.

Did the glimmer of gold blind the EBRD?


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has become a stakeholder in a company that is involved in gold mining in a UNESCO World Heritage site in Russia. Not only does this violate its own Environmental and Social Policy, but it also tells me a lot about the bank's assessment of partner companies.

Schweizer Geld für dubiose Kohlekraftwerke

Source: Senta Keller, 20 minuten online

Die Bedenken gegenüber der Stromproduktion aus Kohle wachsen. Doch die Schweiz beteiligt sich weiter finanziell an Kraftwerken - auch an solchen, die negative Schlagzeilen machen.

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