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Alstom Bid Draws Scrutiny

Source: David Crawford, Wall Street Journal

Two of Europe's largest development banks are probing allegations that Slovene officials helped French engineering giant Alstom SA scuttle a rival bid by Siemens AG involving work on a €700 million ($927.8 million) power plant in Slovenia.

Environmental standards in hydro power projects in Georgia

In recent years Georgia’s government has sought to position the country as a future regional renewable energy hub. Governmental plans include the construction of transmission lines and numerous hydropower plants (HPPs), in order to ensure electricity exports to Turkey and subsequently to gain access to the south-east European market by 2015-2017. The number and technical design of the planned HPPs do not comply with the principles of sustainable development, and they are bound to have serious negative impacts on the environment.

Regional airports hope to take off in Poland

Source: Wojciech Koch, Business New Europe

Smaller cities across Poland are busy pumping millions into new airports, claiming that if they build it, passengers and investors will come. However, others worry these air hubs are no more than white elephants that will struggle to get off the ground.

Investing in coal: risk, reward and regulation

Source: , Mindful Money

Global demand for coal is set to grow by 600,000 tonnes a day in the next five years, this would seem to make it a no-lose proposition for investors. If only things were that simple.

Comments on the EIB's Draft Greenhouse Gas Accounting Methodology

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has developed draft methodologies in order to assess project greenhouse gas emissions from its projects. Bankwatch's comments provide recommendations on how to improve the methodology used in order to support the EU’s climate goals. Our comments primarily focus on how baselines are set and the treatment of scope 3 emissions. The document also discusses the way in which we believe the bank needs to use the outcomes from its GHG calculations.

Comments on the EBRD's Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure Strategy

One of Bankwatch's main concerns with the EBRD's municipal and environmental infrastructure strategy is the bank's approach towards public-private partnerships, which one the one hand is more cautious than before. On the other hand however, while the bank's analysis recognises some of the drawbacks, it still too openly promotes them.

The Egyptian Revolution and Neo-Liberal Economics

Source: , The Real News

Public participation - experiences from IPA countries

In light of the new proposed Regulation for the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), Bankwatch has compiled case studies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia to illustrate the lack of political will to properly implement EU principles on public participation. This represents a significant problem in the implementation of the IPA funds in these countries.

NGO comments on transport programming for EU funds in Bulgaria

These comments from the Bulgarian Civic Coalition for sustainable use of EU funds identifies problematic issues and discrepancies between transport policy documents at EU and Bulgarian level. It offers concrete suggestions to overcome those problems and to improve the decision making process of the Bulgaria Operational Programme for Transport for the period 2014-2020.

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