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Can Ukraine abandon nuclear energy? Yes we can

This briefing examines how Ukraine can reduce its dependency on nuclear energy, without sacrificing its ability to meet demands. The results show that Ukraine could very well satisfy its electricity needs even when it shuts down expired nuclear power plants, does not built new ones, and neither increases the use of coal in thermal power plants.

EU budget negotiations: a zero-sum game?

Source: Markus Trilling, Public Service Europe

The seven-year EU budget could unlock investment and jobs, but only if the shadow-boxing around the negotiating table ends now.

Trust us, we're euphoric - Private equity and a tax haven part of the EBRD's first post-Arab Spring swoop


For its first loan to 'Arab Spring' countries the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has chosen vehicles and partners whose ability to deliver developmental value is highly uncertain.

Continued EU budget battle could sacrifice clean energy investments and clog economic recovery


Continued debates about a reduction of the future EU budget jeopardise the potential of using EU funds for energy efficiency and renewables investments to provide necessary economic stimulus and climate mitigation.

Letter to DG Environment: Flaws in Environmental Impact Assessment of the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia

The Environmental and Social Impact Asessment (ESIA) for the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia has been delayed for years and comes at a time when the commercial operations are soon to begin. By including only the construction phase of the mine, the impacts of its actual operations are neglected with potentially devastating impacts on water reserves in the Gobi desert - especially because the interrelation of the deep (fossil water) and shallow aquifers that are used by herders has not been thoroughly assessed and is based only on modelling and assumptions with no monitoring data publicly available.

Climate action missing as ministers dance around EU budget 'Pandora's box'

Brussels, Belgium -- Today's General Affairs Council meeting to discuss the EU's next Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (MFF) saw further stalemate between those member states seeking to ensure no cuts to the European commission's outline MFF proposals, and those member states determined that cuts must occur while insisting that the emphasis must instead be on the 'quality' of future MFF spending.

World Bank and Others Poised to Invest in Rio Tinto’s Flawed Mongolian Mining Project

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia -- The World Bank Board of Directors has announced plans to consider a copper and gold mining project in the Mongolian South Gobi desert even though the Bank itself acknowledges that there is not enough water in the region to support the life of the Project. Despite ongoing community opposition to Rio Tinto’s Oyu Tolgoi mine and its associated facilities (“OT Project”), the World Bank is considering a financing package of US$900 million in loans and up to US$1 billion in political risk insurance for the OT Project in early November.

Przeciwnicy odkrywek przyjadą do Lubina

Source: Unknown author, Ekonomia24.pl, Rzeczpospolita

Polscy przeciwnicy budowy kopalń odkrywkowych węgla brunatnego zyskują nowych sojuszników. Poparcie otrzymali już od podobnych organizacji działających w Niemczech, przedstawiciele kolejnych krajów deklarują pomoc w walce z odkrywkami w Polsce i Europie

Letter to President of Ukraine calling for veto against Khmelnistky nuclear units

Bankwatch and its members appeal to Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine, to stop the Ukrainian government's plans to construct two new nuclear units at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant. The letter asks Yanukovych to use his vetoing power and not sign the relevant law that was adopted by Ukraine's parliament on 6 September 2012, since the law is in direct violation of Ukraine’s international obligations.

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