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Gender impacts of the Nenskra hydropower plant, Georgia

Based on the analysis of the project documentation, independent media reports, surveys and discussions with local civil society revealed that the Nenskra project represents the perfect example of a gender blind project, where the project sponsor fails to identify the negative social and gender impacts on the community, to protect women from disproportionately bearing the negative impacts and to ensure that women and men benefit equally from the project.

[Campaign update] Independent monitoring shows massive air pollution near Bosnian lignite plant


Air pollution in the town of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina was above legally allowed limits on twelve of 20 consecutive days as measurements made by Bankwatch and the Tuzla-based environmental group Center for Ecology and Energy show.

Meeting the complaint mechanisms of international financial institutions

Civil society organisations and interested individuals have a chance to meet six accountability mechanisms of international financial institutions (IFIs) during an event in Kiev on 8-9th November.

Azerbaijan's crackdown on civil society must not be tolerated, international NGOs tell industry transparency body

The Azerbaijani government’s relentless repression of civil society should disqualify the country from participating in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 18 international groups wrote in a letter sent on Thursday (October 20) to members of the EITI board.

Letter to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative board on the working conditions of civil society in Azerbaijan

In light of the upcoming review of Azerbaijan's status in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 18 international civil society organisations call on the EITI Board to suspend Azerbaijan from participation in the EITI, due to continuous breach of the initiative’s requirements for fostering an enabling environment for civil society.

Ukrainischer Strom: aus veralteten AKWs

Source: Barbara Ladinser, oe1 / ORF

Nach der Atomkatastrophe von Tschernobyl könnte man meinen, dass die Erfahrung mit dem Supergau die Ukraine zur Abkehr von der Atomenergie bewogen hätte. Aber das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Bis heute deckt das Land die Hälfte des Strombedarfs mit Kernenergie. An vier Standorten werden dafür insgesamt 15 Reaktoren betrieben. Aber laut Umweltschützern wurden sechs davon bereits über ihre vorgesehene Laufzeit von 30 Jahren hinaus verlängert. Das missfällt auch der österreichischen Regierung.

Lawsuits and complaints pile up against planned Bosnia and Herzegovina coal power plants

Sarajevo-based environmental watchdog Ekotim has submitted on Friday (October 14) an official complaint to the Energy Community dispute settlement mechanism (1) due to lax pollution limits for a new Chinese-backed 450 MW unit at the Tuzla coal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The partnership principle and public participation in neighbouring countries: experiences with the European Neighbourhood Regulation

This paper highlights the deficiencies of the partnership principle and public participation within the European Neighbourhood Policy, in terms of addressing the political and cultural situation in the region. The paper provides recommendations for improvement during the midterm review of the European Neighbourhood Instrument and the proposal from the Commission proposal for a legislative framework for the new EU budget 2021-2027. The paper is based on the experience of CEE Bankwatch Network and its partners between 2012 and 2016.

New life for old nukes in Ukraine means more risk for people and planet

A decision today by Ukraine’s nuclear regulator to extend the operations of another Soviet-era reactor has been made in spite of the country’s failure to implement fully the obligations it took on when receiving EU funding for its ageing nuclear fleet.

Too good to be true? Assessing one year of the Investment Plan for Europe


Europe is hemorrhaging cash in deeply unsustainable projects like motorways, airports and gas infrastructure.

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