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First major project in Egypt reveals transparency oversight by European public banks


A $3.7 billion PPP oil refinery expansion in Cairo is accompanied by contradictory project documents, making a mockery of claims by the public banks involved to be committed to “good governance” or democracy. Despite being presented as merely translations of one document, the Arabic and English “versions” are entirely different – with the Arabic markedly cursory and superficial.

Letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Future EU budget should make use of green potential (German language)

With this letter, Bankwatch, Friends of the Earth Europe and BUND/FoE Germany, sent the map of positive EU funded projects - Well Spent - to Chancellor Merkel, asking her to continue advocating for a quick agreement on the future EU budget 2014-2020 and to ensure that the potentials of green spending are being considered in the negotiations.

Comments on the draft EBRD country strategy for Albania (2012)

The environmental center EDEN is convinced that the EBRD can play a significant role in supporting Albania's sustainable development and the country’s integration into the European Union. Several examples of previously funded projects show that this is possible. However still the majority of funds go to big scale projects that often harm the environment and social cohesion. These comments pay special attention to EBRD financing in the energy sector.

Klima leidet unter EU-Gezerre

Source: Markus Trilling, klimaretter.info

Das Klima und die Wirtschaft leiden unter dem starrsinnigen EU-Haushaltsstreit. Durch das politische Gezerre um die Höhe des künftigen EU-Budgets drohen "grüne" Wirtschaftsimpulse unterzugehen. Jede weitere Verzögerung könnte die Zweckbindung von 20 Prozent der EU-Mittel für Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ramponieren.

Letters to companies shortlisted to bid for the Plomin coal power plant

Four companies have been shortlisted and invited to submit binding bids for the construction of unit C at the Plomin coal power plant in Croatia. Croatian Bankwatch member group Zelena Akcija/Green Action sent letters to all four companies with information on the legal and economic challenges of the project and the local opposition against it.

Public-private partnerships in the EU at lowest level for ten years, but more blood transfusions from project bonds coming soon


Although public-private partnerships appear to become increasingly untenable for public authorities, they are further being promoted by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank. An official in-depth evaluation of this financing model, however, is still nowhere to be seen.

A green EU budget – or no EU budget

Source: Markus Trilling, European Voice

On the eve of Angela Merkel's address to the European Parliament, Markus Trilling sketches out how the German chancellor might like to propose a way out of the deepening EU budget impasse.

That's what they call sustainable. The EBRD's 10 billion for sustainable energy


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development boasts of having invested 10 billion euros in sustainable energy since 2006. A closer look reveals that although the bank's efforts deserve recognition, several investments make a mockery of 'sustainability'.

Polish energy firms intensify coal lobbying in Brussels

Source: Arthur Neslen, EurActiv

EXCLUSIVE: This year’s annual European coal industry conference in Brussels is being co-organised by the Central European Energy Partners (CEEP), which was founded by, and is mostly made up of, state-owned Polish energy firms.

Open letter on the partnership principle in the future Cohesion Policy 2014-2020

The letter is signed by 42 organisations, reflecting an impressive diversity of stakeholders with a unanimous concern: improving not weakening the partnership principle in Cohesion Policy.

Commissioners for for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Laszlo Andor and Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn responded on behalf of the European Commission on January 18, 2013. Download their letter as pdf.

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