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Vlora citizens' road blockade stops construction work on energy projects for eighth day

The Civic Alliance for Protection of the Vlora Bay together with the Vlora Student Movement is now in the eighth day of protesting against construction of the Vlora thermo-power plant and a hydrocarbons terminal on a beach on the outskirts of the Albanian city located on the Adriatic coast. On December 25 a group of 30 people blocked the access road to the construction sites thus preventing further progress on both sites. Four days later, 10 protesters were arrested, including Eneid Hamzaj, the leader of the Vlora Student Movement.

The protestors have long expressed their concerns about the location and the environmental impact of the thermo-power plant which is financially supported by the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Concern has also been expressed about the planned hydro-carbon terminal which is being promoted by the Italian company “La Petrolifera Italo Rumena,” currently seeking financing from the EBRD. The road-blockade was preceded by a series of protests, including one staged on November 21 by the Vlora University students during which a Petrolíferia representative was hit with eggs, fish and diesel.

The leaders of the Civic Alliance have declared that the protest will continue until the central government respects the local population’s right to decide themselves about the energy projects in Vlora. Their call for respect of civic rights dates back to a proposed referendum concerning the Petrolifera hydrocarbons terminal that was filed by the City Council of Vlora in October. However the State Central Electoral Committee rejected the referendum on formal grounds.
