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November 22, 2011

In light of the violence against civilians on the streets of Egypt today, CEE Bankwatch Network is requesting that the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development immediately cease discussions and negotiations with the Egyptian government and authorities on all levels about potential financial involvement in the country until the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) cedes power to civilian leaders, the country has a legitimately-elected civilian government in control of the army, and military trials come to an end.

November 7, 2011

Skopje – A coalition of more than 30 Macedonian and international NGOs are calling on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) not to finance Boskov Most hydro power plant in north-western Macedonia. The project would seriously damage Mavrovo national park, the largest in the country and a potential Natura 2000 site, while at the same time being envisaged to produce a relatively small amount of electricity to be used only for the stabilization of the national energy system.

October 26, 2011

Zagreb -- Croatian and international environmental organisations have today called on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) not to go ahead with a planned EUR 123 million loan for the Ombla hydropower plant near Dubrovnik in Croatia, due to be approved by the bank's Board of Directors on November 8. In an open letter to the bank, the organisations point to ecological, economic, and procedural problems with the plans, which even the consultants hired by the EBRD to assess the project have described as “high risk”.

October 19, 2011

Brussels – With an art installation that symbolizes EU citizens locked in a polluted environment, the Slovenian artist Marko Kumer Murč and Slovene environmentalists from Focus protest against European public and private banks pouring hundreds of millions of euros into a new lignite plant in their country, at Sostanj. Many Slovenians oppose this project and the Slovenian parliament has just refused to support a state guarantee for the banks’ loans. The action is supported by the international NGOs Banktrack and CEE Bankwatch Network, which are campaigning against the project.

October 13, 2011

Prague- CEE Bankwatch Network has learnt that the Czech Republic is planning to use 80% of regional funds dedicated to big waste projects for 2007-2013 [1] for the construction of new incinerators, which are three times more expensive than alternative waste management solutions.

October 4, 2011

Belgrade -16 current and former members of the management of Serbian state-owned energy company Elektroprivreda Srbija (EPS) were arrested today and yesterday across the country over allegations of embezzlement of company funds. Some of these are people that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has entrusted this summer with managing an 80 million Euros loan for the development of the Kolubara lignite fields near Belgrade.

September 20, 2011

Brussels – The Resource Efficiency Roadmap published today by the European Commission envisages all kinds of right recommendations for Europe to become a renewable based, resource efficient economy but the actual value of this document depends largely on the EU budget.

September 6, 2011

Brussels – CEE Bankwatch Network publishes today a study showing that central and eastern European governments have been using EU funds overwhelmingly for road over rail development, ignoring EU calls for decarbonisation of the transport sector. The Commission can make sure that this pattern is not replicated with the next EU Budget (2013-2020) by introducing strict conditionalities in the new Cohesion Policy regulation next month.

July 25, 2011

Belgrade – Today, over 70 protesters from the Vreoci community is gathering in front of the Belgrade EBRD offices to protest abusive practices by state-owned Elektroprivreda Srbija (EPS), in London, the bank’s Board of Directors is congratulating itself for another profitable deal with the energy company. The EBRD cannot continue to brush off responsibility for corruption acts and human rights abuses committed by their long-term business partner.

July 22, 2011

The “Ukrainian NPP Safety Upgrade Package Program” currently under consideration for financing by the EBRD, will enable the lifespan expansion of old Soviet-time nuclear reactors, confirmed Gennady Sazonov, project and investment director of the production company Atomproektinzhynirynh, speaking during the first public consultations on the draft ecological assessment of the programme that was held in Kiev early this week.