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Bankwatch in the media

Громадське радио | April 26, 2016

Эксперт НЭЦУ Алексей Пасюк считает, что приоритетным вопросом в области энергетики Украины является потребление и энергоэффективность.

В 30-ую годовщину аварии на ЧАЭС говорим о будущем энергетики в Украине с руководителем топливно-энергетического направления Национального экологического центра Украины Алексеем Пасюком.

Ольга Веснянка: Является ли уголь альтернативой атомной энергетике?

Laser / RSI | April 26, 2016

Il 26 aprile del 1986, nel corso di un esperimento, si registrò un’esplosione al reattore numero 4 della centrale di Chernobyl. Una quantità enorme di sostanze tossiche contaminò l’ambiente.

Xinhua | April 26, 2016

KIEV, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Thirty years have passed since the Chernobyl power plant disaster, one of the world's worst nuclear accidents, which has caused widespread environmental pollution and left the areas around the plant uninhabitable for centuries or even millennia to come.

The anniversary of the catastrophe is another reminder that nuclear energy could become a major threat to the world if it is not handled with care and caution. Yet, many experts argue that currently, nuclear power is much safer than it was three decades ago and its role in Ukraine's energy mix is irreplaceable.

france culture | April 26, 2016

Les voix que nous entendons approchent Tchernobyl en racontant l’histoire qui a traversé leur famille ou leur corps, tentent de saisir la catastrophe par un film, un texte, des objets collectés dans les maisons évacuées.

Un documentaire de Marie Chartron et Vincent Decque

Prise de son : Raymond Albouy

Громадське радіо | April 25, 2016

Ірина Головко розповідає про проблеми України з застарілими атомними енергоблоками та російським паливом. А ще називає популізмом заяву нового міністра екології про створення закритого ядерного циклу

Ольга Веснянка: Який зв’язок між екологією, атомною енергетикою та громадськими кампаніями? І чим займається мережа «Bankwatch»?

RTVS | April 25, 2016


Huffington Post | April 25, 2016

CHERNOBYL, Ukraine — It was a fine spring night, people peacefully sleeping as weekday passed into weekend, until Chernobyl’s fourth nuclear reactor blew up.

Oleksandr Galuh recalls that night well.

“My mother woke up as the windows shattered,” Galuh, then a fourth-grader in Pripyat, a town not too far from Chernobyl, remembers. “She thought it was a thunderstorm.”

Politico | April 25, 2016

It’s the result of war, politics and economics.

Three decades after the world’s worst nuclear accident, the home of the shuttered Chernobyl power plant remains more reliant than ever on nuclear power.

When a botched test in the early hours of April 26, 1986, blew apart the reactor’s core and spewed huge amounts of radiation into the atmosphere, nuclear power accounted for about a quarter of the energy mix of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Today, nuclear power produces more than half of Ukraine’s energy — the result of war, politics and economics.

The Nation | April 25, 2016

Or, how Ukraine learned to stop worrying and love its nuclear power plants.

Later this year, the largest movable structure on earth—essentially a colossal steel tomb shaped like an oversized airplane hangar—is scheduled to begin its slow journey along a rail system, traveling at a glacial pace of 33 feet an hour. Its destination: the crumbling ruins of Chernobyl’s reactor number four, which, 30 years after the worst nuclear meltdown in history, continues to ooze radiation like a wound that refuses to heal.

OneWorld | April 22, 2016

Automerken als Volkswagen kregen miljarden euro's om schonere auto's te bouwen. Maar waar werd het geld precies voor gebruikt? ''Deze leningen zijn verbonden aan het emissieschandaal.''