No-one who has driven between Bloemfontein and Johannesburg could fail to have noticed the haze, stench and massive steelworks near the motorway. But Amsa is not the only polluter in the area. Sasol, Eskom power stations and, in winter, household coal fires also contribute to the horrible air quality
Den Europæiske Udviklingsbank vil nu overføre erfaringerne fra Østeuropa med at bruge donorbistand til at hjælpe demokrati på vej til Nordafrika. Men kritikere påpeger, at det ikke er specielt åbenlyst, at bankernes indrykning i overgangssamfund indtil nu har ført til mere demokrati
La reconstruction des pays arabes prendra des années, mais les mois qui viennent sont décisifs. Les populations civiles seront les premières juges de l'action de l'UE, qui doit être vigilante dans l'attribution de ses aides. Enquête.
Although press coverage of events in Egypt may have dropped off the front pages, discussion of the post-Mubarak period continues to dominate the financial news. Over the past few weeks, the economic direction of the interim Egyptian government has been the object of intense debate in the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
La Bank for Reconstruction and Development doveva promuovere democrazia e sviluppo nei paesi dell'ex blocco sovietico, ma un'indagine di Bankwatch svela come l'istituto non abbia rispettato i diritti umani.
The new chapter in the history of US aid to Egypt involves a new but untested model that will focus on lending to small Egyptian businesses while encouraging focused investments chosen by the US.
ASTANA, Kazakhstan—The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on Saturday adopted a resolution to expand operations to lend to fledgling democracies in the Middle East and north Africa, following the wave of uprisings that has rocked the region and toppled regimes in Tunisia and Egypt.
ASTANA (Reuters) - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development agreed on Saturday to begin the process of expanding lending into the Middle East and North Africa, following a string of popular revolts in the Arab world.