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A historic event, the European Investment Bank opens its doors (a bit)


Ahead of a meeting next week that offers a unique chance for discussion with the EIB's Board of Directors, Bankwatch's EIB team leader Anna Roggenbuck gives an overview over some of the issues to which she'd like to hear some comments by the bank's enigmatic leadership.

Right track, weak attitude. The EU's Resource Efficiency Roadmap.


The European Commission this week published its ideas on how to build a resource efficient economy in Europe. Bankwatch's resource efficiency expert Marijan Galovic thinks the roadmap's focus is not wide enough yet.

In times of crisis - Poland's take on the Emperor's New Clothes


Poland has made a worrying proposal on public private partnerships that could risk the future stability of European economies by turning a blind eye to future public debt. But the EU would do well to take the British example as an eye opener.

Contemplating secure and insecure energy supply


The EU external energy policy Communication published today by the European Commission continues the decade-long approach of the EU to ensure the unhindered flow of fossil fuel energy supplies to Europe without a real recognition of the problems this drive creates both inside and outside of the EU.

Chercher la femme: gender equality sidelined in international finance


Manana Kochladze, Bankwatch’s regional coordinator for the Caucasus and co-author of our new civil society guide Gender and international financial institutions talks about the impacts on women’s lives when big money comes to help “develop” their countries.

Why not do the obvious and use the EU bugdet for energy efficiency?


As discussions intensify about the future European Union budget, Bankwatch's Czech energy campaigner outlines how spending EU money on energy efficiency promises better economic, social and environmental returns than the prevailing consensus about big infrastructure projects.

From the outside looking in on EU money for Balkan accession


Macedonian Bankwatcher Ana Colovic-Lesoska is disappointed by how few opportunities for real public participation were provided during the European Union's (EU) consultation on the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), the main EU financial tool to help countries in their efforts to join the Community.

18 000 ask Slovenia to adopt clean energy. EBRD and EIB, take a hint.


18 000 people from around the world have asked the Slovene government to adopt a future proof National Energy Plan that doesn't rely on fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Bankwatch research coordinator Pippa Gallop took part in handing over the list of signatories yesterday and points out that European public banks also need to take the message seriously.

Transparency improvements grind to a halt at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


Bankwatch research co-ordinator Pippa Gallop discusses the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's draft public information policy and how the bank has come to a standstill with improving its transparency rules.

EIB transport lending is not just on a wrong track but hardly on tracks at all


Bankwatch's EIB team leader Anna Roggenbuck, on her way to consultations on the European Investment Bank's transport policy, has crunched the numbers of the bank's transport sector lending. The result: while exhibiting a strong faith in future technological solutions the EIB is fuelling increased carbon emissions across Europe.

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