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European Commission

Polish energy companies' black propaganda threatens EU climate ambitions again


Poland is on course to place further large roadblocks in the way of the European Commission's Roadmap 2050 towards a low-carbon economy unless certain demands being insisted on by Warsaw are met. These include the granting of free allowances for all 16 power plants that Poland has asked to be supported under the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme.

The European Commission, an EBRD shareholder that should start acting like one


Recent Balkan hydro projects suggest the European Commission could make much better use of its shareholder role in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Potocnik says green economy, European public banks say black coal


The European Union's internal and external ambitions for green economies are being countered by the activities of European international financial institutions. EU Commissioner for the Environment Potocnik can see that also in his home country Slovenia.

Right track, weak attitude. The EU's Resource Efficiency Roadmap.


The European Commission this week published its ideas on how to build a resource efficient economy in Europe. Bankwatch's resource efficiency expert Marijan Galovic thinks the roadmap's focus is not wide enough yet.

Greenwashing nuclear expansion in Ukraine, with EU support


Upgrades of hydro power plants in Ukraine are a prime example for greenwashing nuclear expansion with renewable energy. Alena Miskun from Bankwatch member group National Environmental Centre of Ukraine gives details on the thickening plot that European public banks are involved in.

Contemplating secure and insecure energy supply


The EU external energy policy Communication published today by the European Commission continues the decade-long approach of the EU to ensure the unhindered flow of fossil fuel energy supplies to Europe without a real recognition of the problems this drive creates both inside and outside of the EU.

From the outside looking in on EU money for Balkan accession


Macedonian Bankwatcher Ana Colovic-Lesoska is disappointed by how few opportunities for real public participation were provided during the European Union's (EU) consultation on the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), the main EU financial tool to help countries in their efforts to join the Community.

Czech Republic to examine irregularities in EU funds road and waterway spending


The Czech Republic will stop requesting the European Commission to reimburse EU funds spent in constructing new motorways and waterways that in the past may have breached public procurement rules. Rail funding will not be affected.

Drop the handbags and pick up the green potential of the EU budget


The EU budget involves billions of euros of public money and it influences a huge array of economic sectors across the continent - it also stirs up thoughts of handbags.

Sounding the potential of a European budget "for the people and the climate"


After six months of preparations and more than 50 interviews with decision makers and experts, Bankwatch has met with representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to discuss how the next EU budget for the 2014-2020 period can effectively support a low-carbon economy with benefits for people and nature.

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