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Victory for civil society as EBRD cancels loan for controversial Croatian dam


Today we're relieved in Zagreb as one energy project that could have had a destructive impact on Croatia's future has lost its financing and thus its chances of going ahead are drastically reduced: I’m speaking about the infamous Ombla dam, a project for an underground hydropower plant that would have practically destroyed a protected area close to Dubrovnik.

[Campaign update] EBRD still not withdrawing from damaging Ombla hydropower project, NGOs call on bank to heed new evidence


Despite having a slew of good reasons not to support the damaging Ombla hydropower plan in Croatia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development still didn't confirm during recent meetings that it would withdraw from the project.

Guest post: New studies fail to prove that the Ombla hydroplant is fit for EBRD financing


The EBRD's involvement in the Ombla hydropower plant project has from the start been a story of insufficient scrutiny and cutting procedural corners, followed by an attempt to patch things up by commissioning a belated nature impact assessment. The assessment highlights the Ombla area's natural importance and captures some of the harm that would be done by the dam, but fails to draw the right conclusions, says Jagoda Munic, President of Friends of the Earth International and Biodiversity Programme Co-ordinator at Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia.

Croatia's Ombla HPP project comes under scrutiny after NGO complaint - EBRD

Source: Unknown author, HydroWorld

ZAGREB (Croatia), August 1 (SeeNews) - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said on Wednesday certain aspects of Croatia's Ombla hydro power plant project, which EBRD is set to co-fund, are under scrutiny following a complaint from a non-governmental organisation.

Europe's unequal partnerships - a sad tale about energy


A too strong focus on energy security is steering Europe's engagement with neighbouring states in a troublesome direction for the partnering countries.

3:1 against Ombla, Croatia must stop gung-ho investment


3 out of 4 experts gave a negative opinion on the environmental study of the Ombla hydropower plant. Now the Croatian government must heed their warnings and stop the project.

Hydro power plants endanger the Balkan lynx in Macedonia


A fact-finding mission to Macedonia has confirmed our concerns that two planned hydro power plants are set to destroy important natural habitats in the Mavrovo National Park.

Mining in protected areas, an update on Kumtor and Centerra Gold


Centerra Gold is being criticised for its activities in protected areas at the Kumtor gold mine and at another project in Mongolia. More lessons to be learnt for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Corporate largesse meets scepticism at World Water Forum


Criticism and protests around the World Water Forum have highlighted the risk of hydropower projects being greenwashed and the dangers these installations can pose to people and nature in many countries.

The European Commission, an EBRD shareholder that should start acting like one


Recent Balkan hydro projects suggest the European Commission could make much better use of its shareholder role in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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