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Dusting off Ukraine's energy sector - Why the country must address inefficiency and pollution at its ageing coal-fired power plants

The study, based on a field trip to two coal power plants and communities in Western Ukraine, highlights some of the pollution challenges of energy generation from coal in Ukraine, explains the urgent need for reform in Ukraine’s energy sector and the opportunities that the Energy Community membership brings to the country.

Cheap coal for Europe comes at high price for Ukrainian people


While Ukraine’s aging coal power infrastructure is causing pollution and energy loss in the country, coal-based electricity is exported at a dumping price to EU countries.

Nuclear shadows - transparency failings persist with Ukrainian safety project

Twenty years of limited – if not downright poor – transitional progress has demonstrated the inability of European and global institutions to effectively impact development processes in Ukraine.

Statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and threat of war

CEE Bankwatch Network strongly condemns the Russian government's military invasion and annexation of Crimea and Sebastopol. We hope that in the end the voices of those who have been demonstrating for peace in Moscow and elsewhere, in both Russia and Ukraine, will prevail.

The European Union has already responded to the Crimean declaration of independence by announcing travel bans and bank account freezes for 48 individuals from Russia and Ukraine linked to the Crimean breakaway.

Distress signal

Source: Editorial, Kiyv Post

Ukraine’s new leaders deserve praise for some of the moves they have made since coming to power after Viktor Yanukovych abandoned the presidency on Feb. 22. But they will need lots of outside help in managing the multiple political, economic and military crises confronting Ukraine.

Quantity over quality in EBRD food security initiative - Evidence from pig farms in Ukraine


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development praises its own achievements in the agricultural sector. A look at Ukraine, however, reveals how sustainable food provision, local communities and the quality of soil are falling by the wayside with the bank’s focus on big industrial operations.

Ukraine and the EBRD: More than technicalities derail the fight against corruption


Before claiming the moral high ground on fighting corruption in Ukraine, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development should first of all brush up its own transparency policy and drop old-fashioned arguments in favour of confidentiality and secret conditionalities in its projects.

Guest post: EBRD financed Ukrainian agribusiness causes local insecurities


Environmental groups in Ukraine have highlighted the negative local impacts of one of the biggest agribusinesses in the country, MHP, that is in line to receive additional credit by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Of horses and roads - protests in Ukraine highlight lack of safety


Demonstrations in Kiev have shown that road safety is not only for cars but also pedestrians and other traffic participants - a lesson that the Ukrainian road company still needs to learn and that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development should be teaching more actively.

Reality, climate change and global attention is catching up on the 'sustainable energy' bank (EBRD)


As part of the consultation on its energy sector strategy the EBRD next week hosts public meetings in Istanbul, Belgrade and Moscow to discuss with civil society from its countries of operation. While public pressure is increasing to end coal financing it is important to note that restrictions to carbon-intensive investments must be strictly and clearly defined in the strategy document if they are to improve the EBRD's climate impact. An article from Bankwatch's 2012 annual report (pdf) illustrates how a too flexible approach allows the EBRD to greenwash also very dirty investments.

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