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Southern Gas Corridor

Will energy efficiency be sidelined in the Energy Union's implementation?


EU energy ministers are meeting in Brussels today to discuss the implementation of the Energy Union. Looking at what has been discussed so far, the strategy may not prioritise energy efficiency enough to help Europe become climate-friendly.

Europe's Caspian gas dreams - a nightmare come true for human rights in Azerbaijan


As investors and officials are promoting a gas pipeline project from the Caspian Sea to Italy, the systematic repression of human rights in Azerbaijan is hardly on the official agenda. The Aliyev regime’s weakly veiled attempts to muzzle dissent illustrate how even the most repressive governments are acceptable partners for Europe’s pet energy projects.

Repression and carbon lock-in required for security and sustainability?

With construction of the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) in Turkey getting under way, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) consortium awarding contracts for the construction of access infrastructure in Albania, and Russian pipeline plans lagging behind, the Southern Corridor for Azerbaijan's gas exports to Europe is increasingly looking like a done deal. Or at least that is what the project promoters would have us believe.

Infographic: If energy security is the question ... the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline is not the answer

Europe talks of diversifying energy supplies from Russia by building a set of pipelines from the shores of Azerbaijan's Caspian Sea to Italy. But the EU's dependency on Azerbaijan for fossil energy fuels repression and feeds the authoritarian Aliyev regime. All the while, Europe does not need all that gas.

Jailing of prominent human rights activists in Azerbaijan casts a shadow over Europe's planned gas deals with the Aliyev regime

London, Prague -- Azerbaijan's authoritarian regime has been intensifying its crackdown on civil society with the recent jailing of two leading human rights defenders. The Aliyev regime has gained much of its political and financial clout by siphoning off proceedings from the country's vast oil and gas reserves. These are the same reserves that the EU is now planning to make its next big source of gas, and the same government that the EU still considers a legitimate partner.

Letter to European Commission: Request for information on EIB's involvement in the Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP)

Given the size of the Southern Gas Corridor project it is important that its effects on the environment and especially nearby Natura 2000 sites are duely accessed and that the necessary time to conduct public consultation both in the EU-28 countries and outside of the EU-28 as indicated to the Commission during various meetings related to the second list of PCIs preparation.

EU priority gas pipeline faces fierce opposition in Italy


The European Investment Bank recently confirmed plans to finance the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline from Greece via Albania to Italy. Yet a coalition of local mayors will do whatever it takes to stop the project.

Natural gas left, right and centre at Energy Union conference in Riga


Massive infrastructure for transporting natural gas is shaping up to be a centre piece of the Energy Union put forward by the Juncker Commission. This was also the impression Bankwatch campaigners had at an Energy Union conference in Riga last week.

Pipe dreams - why public subsidies for Lukoil in Azerbaijan will not reduce EU dependency on Russia

The study explains why the Southern Gas Corridor, the EU’s new pet energy project, is not only unnecessary in light of gas demand projections, but also seems likely to fall short on the much flaunted goal of bringing energy independence from Russia.

Proposed Lukoil EBRD loan - for whose benefit?

Despite the Russian invasion in Ukraine leading to EU and US sanctions against Moscow and major Russian energy companies, public banks supported by EU countries are gearing up to offer almost a billion dollars in financial support to Russian company Lukoil for gas extraction in Azerbaijan.

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