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Ukraine and the EBRD: More than technicalities derail the fight against corruption


Before claiming the moral high ground on fighting corruption in Ukraine, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development should first of all brush up its own transparency policy and drop old-fashioned arguments in favour of confidentiality and secret conditionalities in its projects.

European Parliament criticises Serbia's lack of progress on renewables


Facing criticism by the European Parliament of its progress on climate friendly energy sources, the Serbian government tells Bankwatch's member group that the future of the country's energy system is none of their business.

How embarrassing: EBRD transparency ranked 'poorest' among multilaterals


As the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development revises its safeguard policies, the Aid Transparency Index ranks its commitment to openness and transparency as the weakest in comparison with similar institutions.

In Georgia, dam builders do not welcome peoples' concerns


Statements and behaviour of Georgian authorities show their determination to go ahead with the construction of the huge Khudoni dam that would displace more than 2000 indigenious Svans, regardless of public protests. At the same time the project company's set-up raises questions about ulterior motives.

A message to EBRD President Suma Chakrabarti

In an open letter sent today to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 54 civil society organisations follow up from last weeks consultations on the bank's new energy sector strategy and ask the president to ensure that the EBRD addresses the challenges of climate change with the urgency it deserves. We reproduce the letter's content here.

Energy consultations reveal lack of strategic thinking at the EBRD


With another public action, colleagues in Moscow are today bringing to a close a week that has seen the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development having to listen to a lot of uncomfortable truths.

Democratising Cohesion Policy - Slovakia not ready to put EU funds spending in citizens' hands


With today’s approval of the watered down proposals to reform EU Structural Funds in the European Parliament’s committee for regional development (see our press release), EU decision makers have taken a step away from ambitious environmental spending in the future Cohesion Policy. At the same time also national level allocation of the 2014-2020 funds is starting to take shape. But efforts to get the funds working sustainably for, and on behalf of, needy local communities are being thwarted in Slovakia - for a range of all too familiar reasons.

Is the Latvian success story over? Good public participation practices in EU funds planning in Latvia turns sour


So far the planning for Latvia’s use of the EU funds for the 2014-2020 period has been a reasonably positive experience from a partnership perspective. Yet the process that has, until recently, been notable for its transparency and high level of public participation is now in danger of being derailed.

The EBRD should listen (better) to civil society in Arab Spring countries


In preparation to its extended lending to Arab Spring countries, the EBRD is conducting consultations with civil society. Yet the bank doesn't seem to make an appropriate effort.

Enhancing the partnership principle and transparency in the future Cohesion Policy

The European Commission’s proposed European Code of Conduct has the potential to become a major tool for securing effective partnership, transparency and public participation under the Cohesion Policy. This briefing contains recommendations to further support and realise this potential.

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