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nuclear safety

Ukrainian nuclear sector in defiance and in financial trouble


On November 28, the state nuclear regulator of Ukraine (SNRIU) allowed the continued operation of unit 1 of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant (SUNPP-1) until December 2, 2023 - 10 years beyond its technically designed lifetime. The decision not only constitutes a breach of national regulation, but also disregards an unresolved case of non-compliance with the UN Espoo Convention. All this while Energoatom is in an increasingly tight financial situation.

New nuclear risks in Ukraine - decision expected tomorrow


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is expected to take a decision tomorrow on whether or not to provide a EUR 300 million loan for a nuclear power plant Safety Upgrade Programme in Ukraine. This article from our quarterly Bankwatch Mail sums up the issues at hand.

Public action in Ukraine: Reminding the EBRD of the meaning of nuclear safety


A protest action held today in front of the EBRD office in Kiev by Greenpeace and Bankwatch highlighted the dangers of Ukraine’s plans to prolong the operations of its 15 nuclear reactors. The groups called on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to take safety more seriously than Ukrainian authorities and invest in decommissioning rather than lifetime extensions.

If we're not having one, then neither are you: time to grow up?

Source: Pascoe Sabido & Iryna Holovko, Policy & Politics blog - Friends of the Earth UK

What a week in the fight for clean British energy: scandal erupted when Conservative Party members were exposed colluding with James Delinpole, in his obsessive efforts to wipe wind-farms off the map, and Ed Davey's statement in the Commons yesterday about energy companies fixing gas prices demonstrated once again the urgent need to overhaul our energy system.

Not only are elements of this government trying to undermine a green future here in the UK, they are also threatening green hopes in Ukraine. Among all the energy market mayhem, you'd be forgiven for missing it, but in addition to messing up our own clean energy karma, the UK may actually back a huge European loan for the Ukrainian nuclear power sector.


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