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Oil casts long shadow over local people in Albania

Local development and investments in resource extraction rarely go together hand in hand. Bankwatch's Media coordinator David Hoffman reports back on a recent visit to the EBRD sponsored Patos Marinza oil field in Albania. The case provides valuable lessons for the current revision of the EBRD’s safeguard policies.

'Fools and liars' - major new report slams mega-dams, as tensions rise over Georgia's Khudoni project

A new report published on March 10 by a team of researchers from the University of Oxford, based on the largest ever study of large hydroelectric dams (245 in 65 countries) has found that in most cases large dams are economically not viable and few, if any, will realise their planned benefits. The study assessed the costs, construction time, and benefits of all large dams built around the world since 1934, and further concluded that the severe cost and construction delays that so often dog large dams (defined in this research as those that exceed 15 metres in height) mean they can be seriously damaging to the economies that attach so much hope to them.

Promoters of mega-dam in Georgia use front group and PR campaign and discredit local community


Georgian public opinion backs the village of Kaishi in the Georgian mountains that defiantly defends its land and tradition against the planned Khudoni dam. The project promoters have now embarked on an all-out promotion campaign including a fake non-governmental organisation.

[Campaign update*] Georgian government and investors reject Ombudsman's offer to mediate in controversy over Khudoni mega dam


The growing antagonism between promoters of the Khudoni hydropower plant project in Georgia and their local opponents from Kaishi is unlikely to ease when the investor and the Georgian Ministry of Energy boycott mediation by Georgia’s Ombudsman.

Information is crucial - Villagers in the way of infrastructure in Ukraine need early support


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development helped solve conflicts between locals and Ukrainian state company Ukrenergo about an EBRD financed transmission line. On close inspection, the case illustrates that without close monitoring and support for local communities, it is left to chance and locals’ dedication that conflicts are being noticed in the first place.

New report - How Turkey's coal boom threatens local economies on the Black Sea

With coal power expansion booming in Turkey, a new Bankwatch report based on a recent field trip finds that the environmental impacts of coal power plants are inadequately assessed, while Turkey's viable, clean alternatives to coal are neither being analysed or discussed seriously by senior policy- and decision-makers.

[Campaign update] Growing solidarity with local communities in Georgia puts Khudoni dam in spotlight


Protests against the Khudoni mega-dam in Georgia are spreading beyond the local communities affected by the dam. [*]

In Georgia, dam builders do not welcome peoples' concerns


Statements and behaviour of Georgian authorities show their determination to go ahead with the construction of the huge Khudoni dam that would displace more than 2000 indigenious Svans, regardless of public protests. At the same time the project company's set-up raises questions about ulterior motives.

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