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"To the best of our knowledge": How to improve the transparency and accountability of intermediated EBRD investments in three steps

Disbursing public money via private-sector controlled financial intermediaries (FIs) is a means to an end: reaching a larger set of smaller beneficiaries. It has its strong rationale, in particular when it comes to renewable energy projects that, in contrast to traditional energy projects, tend to be smaller in size and dispersed over larger areas. Nevertheless, these financial means must not contravene the ends that multilaterals such as the EBRD have in their mandate or the standards prescribed by their policies.

Nenskra hydropower plant project, Georgia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is in the process of assessing a loan for the 280 megawatt Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia. In March supplementary environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) were released in order to bring the project in line with the standards of the prospective international financiers. Yet the new ESIA is ‘too little, too late’ for a project that is underlined by no strategic

River defenders gather forces in Georgia


This week, activists from across the world are meeting in Tbilisi to share their experiences of resisting hydropower projects and the money that supports them.

For our rivers, for our lives - activists from across the globe meet in Tbilisi, Georgia


85 river and dam activists from 40 countries and all continents gather in Tbilisi, Georgia this week to share experiences about their efforts to protect the world’s rivers and join their struggles against destructive hydropower projects.

Sustainability criteria for hydropower development

Any hydropower project no matter the size can cause negative consequences to water basins, associated ecosystems, to climate and affected communities living along the water basins. A large number of individually acceptable projects can also lead to unacceptably high negative cumulative effects. This briefing outlines strategy and project level criteria to ensure hydropower projects are sustainable.

Gender impacts of the Nenskra hydropower plant, Georgia

Based on the analysis of the project documentation, independent media reports, surveys and discussions with local civil society revealed that the Nenskra project represents the perfect example of a gender blind project, where the project sponsor fails to identify the negative social and gender impacts on the community, to protect women from disproportionately bearing the negative impacts and to ensure that women and men benefit equally from the project.

Gender impacts of the Shuakhevi hydropower project in Georgia and its compliance with EBRD requirements

A majority of the local population protests against the construction of the Shuakhevi HPP for various reasons, including issues related to land and water “grabbing”, geological risks posed by construction works, employment
problems, etc.

The purpose of this study is to assess the project’s gender impacts on the affected population as well as to evaluate whether the project related documentation and construction process meets the requirements of international financial institutions.

Pobuna za Bunu

Source: Marina Kelava, H-Alter

"Ja ne razumijem kako neki ljudi vole samo sjedit po kafićima. Ja to ne mogu, meni je draže ovdje sjedit", govori Aida dok promatra smaragdno zelenu boju rijeke Bune. Nakon što teče pod zemljom više od 19 kilometara, ova rijeka izvire na površinu 12 kilometara od Mostara u mjestu Blagaj. Buna na površinu spektakularno navire iz špilje, prizor koji privlači brojne turiste. No, i Buna se našla na meti projekta betonizacije BiH rijeka. Bankwatch je pobrojao čak 183 nova planirana projekta na rijekama u toj zemlji.

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