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Civil society recommendations for the European Investment Bank's transparency policy

As the EIB prepares the review of its 2010 transparency policy, the signatories of this letter convey key positions and concerns regarding the policy and how we believe it needs to be amended.

Statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and threat of war

CEE Bankwatch Network strongly condemns the Russian government's military invasion and annexation of Crimea and Sebastopol. We hope that in the end the voices of those who have been demonstrating for peace in Moscow and elsewhere, in both Russia and Ukraine, will prevail.

The European Union has already responded to the Crimean declaration of independence by announcing travel bans and bank account freezes for 48 individuals from Russia and Ukraine linked to the Crimean breakaway.

The good, the bad and the uncertain: the new energy policies of Europe's public banks

The European NGO coalition Counter Balance has recently published a short overview of the new energy policies now in place at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Both banks' new policies were finalised towards the end of 2013 following extensive consultation with stakeholders from the energy sector, civil society and academia.

EIB commits to review tax haven policy


During the annual meeting between civil society and the EIB's Board of Directors, the European Investment Bank committed to review its outdated tax haven policy this year. The commitment which followed a letter from several NGOs expressing such demand, is the most concrete outcome of the meeting which took place on 3rd February in the bank's headquarters in Luxemburg.

Funny business as usual in the Czech Republic - one of the biggest fines in EU funds history handed out to Prague metro project


The manipulation of a tender for a metro line extension in Prague - financially supported via EU funds and the European Investment Bank (EIB) has not only resulted in a huge EU funds fine, but also raises questions about the EIB's ability to identify and avoid mismanagement in the infrastructure projects it finances.

Groups petition Polish government to drop permit for Europe's largest planned coal plant


On Monday Polish NGOs Client Earth, Workshop for all Beings, Greenpeace, WWF and local community group Eco-Kociewie petitioned the General Director of Environmental Protection to cancel the environmental impact assessment permit for the Polnoc Power Plant in northern Poland.

All eyes on the EBRD - will it go coal free?


In case you missed it, the tectonic plates just shifted in the world of international financial institution (IFI) energy lending.

UPDATED: A guide to examining the European Investment Bank's energy lending portfolio


A thorough check of the European Investment Bank's energy lending data shows that not all is as rosy as the EIB would like to see it. We've paired up with Open Spending to provide an introduction into how to interpret and scrutinise the numbers.

The EU's bank is less ambitious than the US in restricting energy from coal


It may have been easy in the past for Europeans to bash the US for being retrograde when it comes to climate policies, but after last week it will get more difficult to do that.

A tale of neglect: Energy finance figures from the Western Balkans


The neglect by international financial institutions of the Western Balkans sustainable energy potential will cost the region's public heavily for years to come. Figures collected in a new study illustrate how the different international lenders perform in the region.

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