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88 milionë euro import energjie për të mbuluar humbjet në 2015

Source: Rilindja Demokratike, Rilindja Demokratike

Energjia e importuar për të mbuluar energjinë e konsumuar dhe të papaguar kapi vlerën e 88 milionë eurove në vitin 2015 sipas të dhënave të Entit Rregullator për statistikat e energjisë.

Pjesa më e madhe humbjes u importua nga jashtë. OSHEE harxhoi 77 milionë euro për importin në tregun e jashtëm dhe rreth 13 milionë euro bleu tepricat e KESH që shkuan për mbulimin e humbjeve. Niveli i humbjeve për vitin 2015 u ul në 31.3%. Një vit më parë ato ishin 37.8%, ndërsa në vitin 2013 arrinin në 45%.

Vendet e Ballkanit Perëndimor investim në fabrika qymyri dhe centrale ere

Source: Monitor, Monitor

Vendet e Ballkanit Perëndimor po planifikojnë të ndërtojnë 2 fabrika të reja të qymyrit dhe të centraleve të erës, në pesë vitet e ardhshme.
Ky vendim, i cili është në kontrast të mprehtë me angazhimet e tyre për të rritur pjesën e energjisë së rinovueshme, njoftohet nga organizata joqeveritare Bankwatch.

In contrast to the EU, Western Balkans’ coal investments still heavily outweigh wind – but for how long?


Last year in the EU, 12.8 GW of wind power capacity was installed – more than any other electricity generation source. This means that wind can now generate 11.4% of the EU electricity consumption in a normal wind year, according to Wind Europe. At the same time Belgium and Scotland have shut down their last coal plants, signalling the golden days of coal are far behind them.

I Crna Gora da se okrene energiji vjetra

Source: Biljana Matijašević, Vijesti Online

Izgradnja novih TE u regionu koštaće najmanje 4,5 milijardi eura, bez troškova proširenja rudnika i deponija šljake i pepela...

Zemlje zapadnog Balkana počele su da ulažu u vjetroelektrane, ali i dalje dominiraju investicije u termoelektrane na ugalj, pokazuje analiza međunarodne organizacije CEE Bankwatch Network. Vlade u regionu, kako se navodi, planiraju gradnju novih TE na ugalj ukupne snage 2800 MW, dok će izgraditi vjetroelektrane ukupne snage svega 1166 MW ...

Western Balkans countries invest at least 2.4 times as much in coal as in wind power

All the Western Balkans countries have committed to increase their share of renewable energy by 2020 to reach between 25 and 40 percent of their energy mix, as part of their obligations under the Energy Community Treaty. Yet this is far from obvious when examining their investment plans for new power generation capacity. Governments are actively planning to build 2800 MW of new coal plants with construction cost of at least EUR 4.5 billion. In contrast, these countries are only planning to build around 1166 MW of wind power plants, at an estimated cost of EUR 1.89 billion.

Western Balkan countries invest more than twice as much in coal as in wind power: new Bankwatch analysis

Western Balkan countries are planning investments in wind power, but these are being heavily outweighed by their investments in coal plants, according to a CEE Bankwatch Network analysis launched today. The region’s governments are actively planning 2800 MW of new coal plants but allowing only around 1166 MW of wind power plants to be built.

Western Balkans investing at least 2.4 times more in coal than in wind power - Bankwatch

Source: Ivaylo Mihaylov, SeeNews

BELGRADE (Serbia), May 26 (SeeNews) - The Western Balkan countries are actively planning to build 2,800 MW of new coal plants and just 1,166 MW of wind power plants (WPPs) in the next five years, in sharp contrast to their commitments to raise the share of renewable energy in their energy mix, Praha-based non-governmental organisation CEE Bankwatch Network said on Thursday.

Success: Romanian government promises to respect property of villagers threatened by coal mine


After months of protests and the people in Runcurel, a small town in Romania that is to be swallowed by a lignite mine, have finally received positive news from the Romanian government. During a meeting with Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, the Minister for Energy Vlad Grigorescu confirmed that the government will do more to protect locals and their houses.

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Постепенно въглищата ще останат в историята като енергоносител

Source: Ивелина Петрова, Бизнес старт / Bloomberg TV Bulgaria

Генади Кондарев, енергиен експерт към Bankwatch, в предаването Бизнес старт

58% от домакинствата в България се отопляват на твърдо гориво, а останали близо 40% се отопляват с електроенергия. Това каза Генади Кондарев, енергиен експерт към Bankwatch, в предаването „Бизнес старт“ по Bloomberg TV Bulgaria.

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