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Black earth - Agribusiness in Ukraine and the marginalisation of rural communities

Given Ukraine's abundant land resources and food production potential, modernisation of agriculture is necessary and industrialisation is inevitable. Yet, an investigation into the Vinnytsia poultry complex shows the negative side effects of large-scale industrialisation of meat production and sounds the alarm about the risks that agroholdings pose to communities.

Agro business shooting star in Ukraine turns into nightmare for investors


The story of the defaulted company Mriya Agro Holding shows what risks investors and creditors are willing to take in the pursuit of profit in Ukraine’s agribusiness. Major creditors, including the International Finance Corporation and export credit agencies have been left with little hopes of recoveries. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has escaped the financial loss by a hair's-breadth.

Quantity over quality in EBRD food security initiative - Evidence from pig farms in Ukraine


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development praises its own achievements in the agricultural sector. A look at Ukraine, however, reveals how sustainable food provision, local communities and the quality of soil are falling by the wayside with the bank’s focus on big industrial operations.

Letter to EBRD: Complaint filed with IFC on Danosha pig farms in Ukraine

Local communities in the Ivano-Frankvisk region in Ukraine have filed a complaint with the IFC's complaint mechanism regarding the conduct of agribusiness corporation Danosha. This letter summarises the complaint's content and asks the EBRD to follow the complaint process and derive lessons for its own support of industrial farming projects in Ukraine.

Ukrainian villagers stand against industrial farming

A community in the Ivano-Frankivsk province of western Ukraine is bravely battling an industrial agricultural giant to protect its lands and livelihoods.

Local impacts of Danosha pig farms, Ukraine

The EBRD is considering a loan to the Ukrainian agribusiness corporation Danosha whose pig farms in the Ivano-Frankvisk region have triggered numerous complains by locals.

Guest post: EBRD financed Ukrainian agribusiness causes local insecurities


Environmental groups in Ukraine have highlighted the negative local impacts of one of the biggest agribusinesses in the country, MHP, that is in line to receive additional credit by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Green agriculture spending culled in Estonia - NGOs demand proper use of future EU money


While the EU's future common agricultural policy is taking shape in Brussels, it’s not just there that major agri-business interests are flexing their muscles to take the ‘green-ness’ out of EU agricultural spending.

Good news: EBRD drops controversial Monsanto project


A potential cooperation between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the agro-corporation Monsanto has thankfully not come to fruition. The case highlights the difficulties for a large development bank to reach farmers on the ground.

Monsanto Should Not Expand Relying on Public Money

London -- Monsanto, the world’s largest seed producer and one of the most prominent promoters of GMO crops worldwide, is set to receive 40 million US dollars of public financial support via the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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