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Southern Mediterranean

Revolution at the EBRD required for any new role in Egypt

The figures should be well known. Somehow, though, in the western world, and especially in official quarters, they tend to get overlooked in the rush to impose the 'next latest thing' on post-revolution Egypt. The country's seven percent GDP growth figure in 2007, hailed by the World Bank and others, concealed a multitude of injustices. For one thing, average per capita GDP growth plummeted from 4.1 per cent prior to 1990 to 2.7 per cent during the neoliberal era set in motion by the IMF structural adjustment regime in 1991.

Proposed model for consultations between the EBRD and civil society organisations

These comments, prepared the Arab NGO Network for Development together with Bankwatch suggests improvements for the model of consultations between the EBRD and civil society organizations. It is particularly relevant in view of the upcoming civil society consultations in the southern and eastern Mediterranean as the EBRD prepares to extend its lending to the region.

The two sides of reality – what the BTC pipeline means for the EBRD in north Africa


To illustrate its readiness to help Arab Spring countries, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development draws on the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan pipeline project as a positive example. Having closely followed the project, Manana Kochladze outlines why people in north Africa should be wary of what’s to come when the EBRD enters their countries.

EBRD plans for Egypt slammed by human rights group

An independent Egyptian human rights organisation, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), published in early March a scathing assessment of the EBRD's plans for its future investment activities in Egypt. Based on an EBRD Technical Assessment document, EIPR takes issue with the EBRD analysis on three main counts:

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