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Central Asia

Tavan Tolgoi coal power plant

Mongolia’s plans to build a 600 megawatt (MW) coal power plant at Tavan Tolgoi in the South Gobi Desert appear at odds with international commitments on climate change and with local realities.

Azerbaijan's crackdown on civil society must not be tolerated, international NGOs tell industry transparency body

The Azerbaijani government’s relentless repression of civil society should disqualify the country from participating in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 18 international groups wrote in a letter sent on Thursday (October 20) to members of the EITI board.

EU-Geld für schmutziges Gold

Source: Heike Holdinghausen, taz.de

Die Kumtor-Mine verseucht das Land. Die Europäische Entwicklungsbank ist daran beteiligt. Das könnte Merkel in Kirgistan ansprechen.

BERLIN taz | Noch nie war ein deutscher Regierungschef in der kirgisischen Hauptstadt Bisch­kek, insofern betritt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) auf ihrer Reise Neuland.

Mining Company Shirks Blame for Glacier Damage in Kyrgyzstan

Source: Ryskeldi Satke, Glacier Hub

The most controversial gold mining project in Central Asia is back in the spotlight again this month. Canadian mining company Centerra Gold has re-launched its public relations campaign in Kyrgyzstan to improve the company’s image over the status of glaciers at the Kumtor gold mine, one of the world’s biggest open-pit gold mines and a flagship project that accounts for 90 percent of company’s profits.

Lost in transition: Far-reaching changes needed as European bank marks 25 years

On April 15, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will be marking its 25th anniversary. Reflecting on two decades of monitoring the EBRD's policies and projects, a new report from CEE Bankwatch Network raises concerns about a growing gap between the bank's operations and its mandate.

Lost in transition - 25 years of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

This report examines a selection of cases monitored by CEE Bankwatch Network and its partners in recent years and highlights some of the weaknesses observed in the EBRD’s approach to environmental, social, democracy and development issues.

On 15 April 2016 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will mark its 25th anniversary. This opportunity should kick-start a debate about what the London-based public bank has achieved since it started operations in 1991 and to reflect on its future.

Conflict continues at Kyrgyzstan's massive gold mine

Source: Ryskeldi Satke , Al Jazeera

The Kumtor mine, built on a glacier high in the Tian Shan mountains, continues to attract fierce criticism from locals.

Tian Shan mountain range, Kyrgyzstan - Hidden in a valley in Kyrgyzstan's Tian Shan mountains lies the magnificent Issyk-Kul Lake, one of the highest and deepest lakes in the world and a top tourist destination in the region.

Water disputes persist as Rio Tinto pushes ahead with second Oyu Tolgoi mine

Prague; Khanbogd Soum, Mongolia - A large new copper mine in Mongolia could cause irreversible damage to terrain and deprive water from some of the world’s last remaining nomadic herding groups, finds a new report released today by Oyu Tolgoi Watch, the Bank Information Center, CEE Bankwatch Network and Accountability Counsel.

Oyu Tolgoi Phase 2: Plans, Issues and Risks

This report summarises the mining activity proposed by Oyu Tolgoi in its Phase 2 development plan, describes the block caving underground mining technology planned for the large deep ore body to be mined in Phase 2, environmental impacts and reclamation potential of block cave mines, and issues and risks associated with future OT power supply, international metal market price uncertainties, and OT Phase 1 and 2 impacts on water resources and herders and their livelihood in the region surrounding the OT mine license area.

NGO open letter to EIB president: don't finance the Southern Gas Corridor

In this letter, a group of 27 non-governmental organisations urge the President of the European Investment Bank not to finance the Southern Gas Corridor, a 3500 kilometres-long chain of gas pipelines from Azerbaijan to Europe. As the EIB considers granting the biggest loan of its history to the Consortium in charge of developing the western section of the project, the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the group of NGOs warns about its most controversial aspects.

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