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Letter to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative board on the working conditions of civil society in Azerbaijan

In light of the upcoming review of Azerbaijan's status in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 18 international civil society organisations call on the EITI Board to suspend Azerbaijan from participation in the EITI, due to continuous breach of the initiative’s requirements for fostering an enabling environment for civil society.

New mudflow hits Georgian village as rainy season reveals poor assessment of hydropower plans


As rains cause mudflows in Georgia's mountains, locals from different regions unite to protest hydropower developments in geologically unstable areas.

Campaign update: Georgian mountain communities consider restoring long abandoned tradition to tackle threats to their land


With hydropower and mining projects encroaching on their lands and livelihoods, Svan communities in Georgia’s northwest consider convening in an ancestral assembly to discuss their course of action.

New damage to hydropower project a bleak reminder of development bank missteps in Georgia

On June 23 mudflows from the Devdoraki glacier again hit the Dariali gorge and washed away a road and infrastructure connected to two hydropower projects planned in the north of Georgia. The destruction included the water intake for the 19 megawatt Larsi hydropower plant and the derivation pipes for the Dariali hydropower plant.

Eight activists arrested in Nenskra power plant protests

Source: Dominik K. Cagara, Democracy & Freedom Watch

Tbilisi, DFWatch – Svan campaigners declare that their protests will continue as long as no alternatives to the current project assuming flooding of their native valley are presented.

Police special forces arrested eight activists protesting against the construction of Nenskra Hydropower Plant and released them after imposing financial penalties.

Eight arrested in protest against Georgian dam


Protests against large dams in Georgia's Svaneti mountains have led to confrontations with police. Locals are losing patience over the protracted consultation process on the project.

Happy birthday, Khadija!


A graffiti in Warsaw marks the upcoming birthday of imprisoned Azeri journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

No security for Europe from the Southern Gas Corridor


With an ownership structure heavily influenced by Azerbaijan, the European Commission’s flagship energy project may end up being a costly piece of infrastructure that does not increase Europe’s energy security but offers a tool for political leverage to the authoritarian Aliyev regime.

Georgia swept by protests against EBRD-backed hydropower

Protests have in recent weeks broken out across rural Georgia after construction resumed on several large hydropower projects financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Demonstrators have complained that the projects were repeatedly decided behind closed doors, and that poor assessments of the social and environmental consequences mean their livelihoods are under threat.

Briefing on Nenskra hydropower plant for the Asian Development Bank

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