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Armenia gold mining problems cast shadow over renewed EBRD financing

The attention of the environmental community in Armenia has recently been focused on events swirling around the Deno Gold Mining Company (DGMC). The company has been contending with rising tensions in Kapan as a result of its laying off of workers at its gold mining operations coupled with failings at its Geghanush tailings facility. The controversies have arisen just as the company awaits disbursement of a new loan from the EBRD.

EBRD Energy policy review - no more excuses, rhetoric or finessing

Energy is the watchword of the day, as we keep increasing the need for it, no matter the costs, apparently. Well, the costs do matter but they are distorted by subsidies old and new, for fossil fuels and for renewable energy sources, while the global business world is made to feel increasingly insecure by the price of carbon emissions.

Hydropower development in Georgia


Georgia plans to build a huge number of dams. Yet with 85 percent of electricity needs satisfied and exports not being taxed, these plans will rather benefit private investors than offering sustainable development for Georgia.

Unsustainable energy future for EU neighbourhood region challenged

Europe’s neighbouring countries, from the Western Balkans to Ukraine, are intent on pursuing unsustainable energy futures that rely heavily on coal and nuclear. The draft energy strategy of the European Energy Community, recently open for public comments, is no big departure from the national plans, as Bankwatch found out when compiling comments to the draft – and, moreover, this reliance on coal and nuclear energy could end up receiving EU support and financing.

'Comments noted', business as usual continues. The marginal public influence on the EBRD's new mining policy


After long delays and more than 3 years of preparation the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has finally completed and published a policy for its operations in the mining sector. Both the consultation process and the final outcome must leave “the consulted stakeholders” disappointed.

The EBRD's new Mining Operations Policy: A commentary on consultation process and content

The long awaited EBRD Mining Operations Policy was released last week without much noise. It has taken the EBRD more than 3 years to prepare a document which had raised hopes it could improve the bank's activities in the mining sector. Most of these hopes, however, have not been fulfilled.

The Oil Road - How a done deal continues to unravel

The Oil Road by James Marriot and Mika Minio–Paluello is a remarkable recounting of their journey along the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline from Azerbaijan to the City of London. It is a narrative peppered with a wealth of cultural, social and economic history and kaleidoscopic insight from the Caspian region and beyond.

Greens call for active efforts by European Commission to ensure an improved EBRD mining strategy

The letter by the Green members of the European Parliament calls for active efforts of the EU representative at the European Bank for Reconstructoin and Development to ensure that the bank's new mining strategy endorses EU principles and standards for resource efficiency, biodiversity protection, poverty eradication, inclusive growth, transparency and public participation in the mining projects the EBRD supports.

EBRD energy lending report: conflicting investments end up contradicting climate science

London – Almost half of the 6.7 billion euros lent by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) between 2006-2011 goes to support for fossil fuels, according to a report issued today by CEE Bankwatch Network. Support for coal, oil and gas must be discontinued altogether, argues Bankwatch, if the bank’s commendable efforts on increasing financing for renewables and energy efficiency are to have a positive impact in the global fight against climate change.

Comments on EBRD Draft Country Strategy for Armenia

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