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Summary of Bankwatch's comments on EBRD's draft energy strategy

In our full comments on the draft energy sector strategy of the European Bank for Reconstruction Bankwatch suggests the introduction of an emissions performance standard at the level of 350 gCO2/kWh for the bank's fossil fuel lending. This document summarises the most important points made and a collection of most recommendations.

A message to EBRD President Suma Chakrabarti

In an open letter sent today to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 54 civil society organisations follow up from last weeks consultations on the bank's new energy sector strategy and ask the president to ensure that the EBRD addresses the challenges of climate change with the urgency it deserves. We reproduce the letter's content here.

Energy consultations reveal lack of strategic thinking at the EBRD


With another public action, colleagues in Moscow are today bringing to a close a week that has seen the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development having to listen to a lot of uncomfortable truths.

Nordic countries 'no' to coal is a glimmer of hope for EBRD energy lending


The global campaign to make the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development restrict its coal lending may have found new allies in Nordic countries after their declaration yesterday to seize overseas coal investments.

Thousands remind the EBRD that coal is not an option


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development received a little surprise visit this week from 16 000 voices against coal.

Pressure builds on EBRD to quit coal lending

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development lags behind other major international financial institutions that are moving away from supporting dirty energy projects.

Is the Latvian success story over? Good public participation practices in EU funds planning in Latvia turns sour


So far the planning for Latvia’s use of the EU funds for the 2014-2020 period has been a reasonably positive experience from a partnership perspective. Yet the process that has, until recently, been notable for its transparency and high level of public participation is now in danger of being derailed.

Comments on the EBRD's draft country strategy for Estonia

The comments, prepared by Estonian Green Movement/Friends of the Earth Estonia, focus on EBRD financing in the energy sector.

Ignalina NPP decommissioning, Lithuania


The decommissioning of the old Ignalina nuclear power plant units risks raising economic and social problems for the region where it is located.

Five ways to bring Cohesion Policy closer to citizens


By allowing open and inclusive consultations on the future Cohesion Policy, Latvia is not only devising its national position in a more democratic way than other EU Member States. It is also setting an example for actually getting people interested in it.

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