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Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates

Source: Fatjona Mejdini, Balkan Insight

NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation.

Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.

Londonski biznis portal: Italijani će izaći iz EPCG

Source: Biljana Matijašević, Vijesti Online

Iako A2A nije objavila namjere u vezi sa EPCG, a nije odgovorila na zahtjev „bneIntelliNews“ za informacijama, analitičari predviđaju da će kompanija iskoristiti mogućnost da ode

Očekuje se da će italijanska kompanija A2A izaći iz svoje investicije u Elektroprivredi CG nakon burnih sedam godina, ostavljajući Crnoj Gori mogućnost da slobodono ignoriše zabrinutost za ekonomsku održivost, ekološku štetu i transparentnost zbog namjere da gradi drugi blok Termoelektrane Pljevlja, navodi londonski „bne IntelliNews”.

Nakon nekoliko mjeseci pregovora, nedavno [...]

TAP in Albania

Source: Mariglen Bita, Korca TV

Organizata joqeveritare Bank Watch Network po kryen nje vizite dhe inspektim ne vendin tone per te pare nga afer zbatimin e projekteve madhore me impakt ne ekonomi. Sipas perfaqesuesve te kesaj organizate eshte mjaft e rendesishme qe gjate implementimit ne terren te projekteve madhore dhe afatgjata te merren parasysh interesat e banoreve dhe qytetareve per tu ofruar atyre zgjidhje te qendrueshme.

Quebec hydroelectric firm rides Balkan ‘dam tsunami’ in showcase of Canadian expertise

Source: Damon van der Linde , Financial Post

MONTREAL — Quebec has had an international reputation for hydroelectric engineering since the nationalization of Hydro-Québec in the 1960s. The construction of the James Bay Project — one of the largest hydroelectric systems in the world — helped launch the province as a leader in the field and that expertise is getting notice around the world.

'We have no other option' - Preparation of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline in Albania

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the most western part of the Southern Gas Corridor, a pipeline project to bring gas from Azerbaijan to Europe is promoted by the European Commission as a strategic asset for Europe’s energy security. A July visit to over 30 Albanian villages revealed the high level of dissatisfaction and confusion for people impacted by the construction of TAP.

[Campaign update] Impact Assessment of Serbian Kostolac B3 coal plant nullified, two investigative reports published


Two reports by the Serbian Center for Investigative Journalism take stock of the problems surrounding the planned Kostolac B3 lignite power plant, including a recent court decision that cancelled the project's Environmental Impact Assessment.

Montenegrin power plant feasible only with creative accounting


Just as everyone else was going on holiday, on Friday night the Montenegrin parliament approved two decisions laying the ground for the controversial Pljevlja II lignite power plant. But a look at the project documentation released by the government shows that the project’s economics only add up with some giant leaps of faith.

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