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Six arrested in suspected corruption around EBRD-financed Zagreb wastewater PPP


The Zagreb wastewater plant public-private partnership (PPP), financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), has for years been highlighted by Bankwatch and its member group Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia as a harmful project allowing the private sector enormous profits at the expense of the City of Zagreb and the public.

[Campaign update] Romanian government sued over unlawful expropriation of mining community


After decades of putting up with noise and dust, people in Runcurel, Romania are being told they are in the way of national interest. Together with the two civil society organisations, land owners are challenging the government's decision and the coal company's actions.

The hefty health toll of coal burning in the Western Balkans - and what is not being done about it


While the Energy Community yesterday failed to consider more stringent air pollution rules for the Western Balkans, a new report quantifies the health costs of the region’s coal burning both within the region itself as well as in the neighbouring European Union.

[Campaign update] Key costs still missing in Montenegro coal power plant debate


Tens of questions remain unanswered about costs related to a new unit at the Pljevlja lignite power plant in Montenegro.

Expert analysis confirms Croatian Plomin C coal plant is economically unfeasible


Responding to the lack of official economic data for Croatia's Plomin C coal project, a new analysis finds that the project is highly risky.

Istraživanje zagađenosti zraka na Balkanu: Sarajevo i Tuzla gori od Pekinga

Source: Almir Šećkanović, Faktor

Kao posebno zagađen grad na Balkanu izdvojena je Tuzla, koja bilježi posebno veliku količinu sumpor-dioksida, što je čini gradom sa najzagađenijim zrakom u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Sarajevo je tokom decembra i januara u nekoliko navrata bilo zagađenije od Pekinga, koji slovi za jedan od najzagađenijih svjetskih gradova, pokazuju podaci evropske ekološke mreže Bankwatch, koja je izradila studiju sa mjerenjima onečišćenja zraka u pet balkanskih gradova, uključujući Sarajevo i Tuzlu iz Bosne i Hercegovine.

Kritični januar

MANS: EPCG bez podataka o ekonomskoj isplativosti Drugog bloka TE Pljevlja

Source: Vijesti Online, Vijesti Online

"Predstavnici EPCG i dalje tvrde da su troškovi projekta samo oni koji su povezani sa izgradnjom Drugog bloka i nabavkom opreme, ali ne i čitav niz povezanih investicija poput otvaranja novih rudokopa, troškova rekultivacije, otvaranja novih deponija pepela i šljake i odlagališta otpada rude..."

Legal analysis: application of chapter II of the Industrial Emissions Directive in the Energy Community

This brief analysis provides a basic overview of how Chapter II and related annexes (esp Annex I) of the EU Directive 2010/75/EU (Industrial Emissions Directive, hereinafter also IED) could be included as part of the legally binding framework of the Energy Community.

Prospects for implementing air quality directives in the Energy Community

Among the acts that introduce instruments and regulations for environmental protection into the Energy Community Treaty instruments relating to air quality protection are clearly missing.

Oprečni stavovi o gradnji drugog bloka TE

Source: MINA-Business, Cafe del Montenegro

Vlada treba da odustane od gradnje drugog bloka Termoelektrane TE, jer nije ekonomski isplativ, smatraju u Mreži za afirmaciju nevladinog sektora MANS, dok predstavnici Elektroprivrede EPCG projekat ocjenjuju isplativim i navode da će se raditi po najstrožijim EU standardima.

Koordinator istraživačkog centra MANS, Ines Mrdović, rekla je da se radi o projektu kontroverzi, koji su u toj nevladinoj organizaciji NVO nazvali skupom prodajom magle, prenosi Mina- business.

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