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Publications on coal

Advocacy letter | February 18, 2014

This letter was sent both in English (pdf) and French (pdf).

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Study | December 9, 2013

The EBRD is about to approve a new energy strategy, yet it is unclear to what extent it will follow other public lenders in halting coal financing. In this paper we step away from the discussions on climate issues to take a look at another reason why the EBRD should be wary of investing in coal projects: corruption.

Leaflet | November 17, 2013

Air pollution levels in Beijing and other major Chinese cities have been making headlines, when millions of people were confined to their homes for several days to avoid the most drastic impacts on their health. For the longest time now the world believed that China would forever continue to build its infamous ’one new coal-fired power station per week’. China, however, is starting to rethink its course on coal: In September 2013 the Chinese government announced a cap on coal consumption in three economically important provinces.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

Coal may still very much be king in the minds of the Polish government but, on the evidence of a ground-breaking campaign over the last year in Krakow, the seeds have been sown for a citizens' revolution that could redraw the Polish energy sector and improve health and quality of life for towns and cities all across the country. Alongside effective campaigning, EU money is playing a role in these developments, and has the potential to do a lot more.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

Dear Participant to the 19th UN Climate Summit, welcome to Poland! Let us introduce you to the country hosting the climate conference this year, and provide you with a short overview of the land and its people. This is indeed information you may not find in official Polish government brochures.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the last of three multilateral international financial institutions (IFIs) to undertake a revision of its energy lending this year, is scheduled to adopt a new energy policy on December 10. The EBRD’s policy review process follows similar reviews at both the European Investment Bank and the World Bank that have seen both institutions introduce conditions intended to restrict their respective lending to coal projects.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

With coal power expansion booming in Turkey, a new Bankwatch report based on a recent field trip finds that the environmental impacts of coal power plants are inadequately assessed, while Turkey's viable, clean alternatives to coal are neither being analysed or discussed seriously by senior policy- and decision-makers.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

Climate change is still, for a lot of people, an abstract, complex issue. It remains difficult to mobilise people against the coal industry as they are not always able to make the connection between fossil fuels, climate change and health problems such as asthma. The Cough4Coal campaign, to be formally launched during COP 19 in Warsaw, aims to invigorate and inform the debate on how we should plan for future sustainable and healthy energy provision.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

If a doctor could prescribe a healthy planet, drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions would be on the top of the list. In fact, such a prescription was developed by leading health advocacy organisations and handed over to delegates at the UNFCCC’s COP 15 in Copenhagen. The surprising thing about this prescription is that instead of costing money it actually results in considerable savings.