
Unlocking a positive, sustainable future for a new Europe Rethinking the EU Budget to make it work for citizens. Our campaign shows how it can be done.
Join a local culture festival in Georgia's mountains Join or support a festival in Georgia's remote Svaneti mountains that showcases local culture and traditions.
The worst was yet to come - ludicrous air pollution in Romanian village Pollution levels in Rosia de Jiu, Romania were up to 20 times above the limit suggested by the World Health Organisation, show the results of our independent monitoring. The Rovinari power plant spewing steam and smoke.
The dirty secret in Sofia's backyard Pollution from coal dust in Pernik, Bulgaria is much worse at night as Bankwatch’s dust monitoring shows. The most polluted town in Europe remains a hazard to peoples’ health. Image: Smokestacks in Pernik in front of a twon submerged in smog.
Vote now for the worst fossil fuel subsidies in Europe Exposing the hypocrisy of European governments and institutions promising to tackle climate change while at the same time funding fossil fuels.

Current campaigns

Countries in south-eastern Europe are strategic partner countries for the EU's energy sector. They also have high ambitions for coal power.

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The Southern Gas Corridor, a system of mega-pipelines meant to bring gas from the Caspian region to Europe, is unnecessary in light of gas demand projections but will boost Azerbaijan's dictatorial regime and cause damage to local communities and the environment.

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Hydropower in Georgia

In Georgia's staggering mountains, a largely unexploited hydropower potential has attracted private investors, the Georgian government and international lenders. Many hydropower projects pose risks for locals that are largely being underestimated or ignored.

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Failing local communities - the Land Assessment and Livelihoods Restoration Plan for the Nenskra dam September 11, 2017 Study A field investigation conducted by CEE Bankwatch Network in the Nenskra and Nakra valleys in Upper Svaneti in Georgia during two visits in July 2017 has found evidence that the Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Plan (LALRP) developed by the project company JSC Nenkra Hydro is inaccurate...
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Planned coal power plants in the Western Balkans versus EU pollution standards June 14, 2017 Study The new reference document on Best Available Techniques for Large Combustion Plants (LCP BREF) and its implications for new coal.
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Mongolia's energy sector: time for a rethink May 3, 2017 Study This report is meant as a background document for civil society in Mongolia and international groups to advocate for increased transparency and participation in priority energy projects; improved forecasts of power demand and alternatives for the sustainable development of the energy sector to...
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Carbon costs for planned coal power plants in the Western Balkans and the risk of stranded assets March 29, 2017 Briefing This briefing analyses ten coal-fired power plant projects across the Western Balkans and finds that, once the cost of carbon emissions allowances are factored in, they could become a serious liability for both the companies involved and the public.
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Risky business - Who benefits from the Southern Gas Corridor December 13, 2016 Study The Southern Gas Corridor, a string of pipelines meant to bring gas from Azerbaijan into Europe, is presented as a panacea for all ills and is set to benefit from some of the biggest loans in the history of European public banks. But as this report reveals, Europe's flagship energy project is set...
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