Overpriced and underwritten: The hidden costs of public-private partnerships

  • Slideshow: Ten things you weren't supposed to know about PPPs PPP slide 0
  • Click to read: PPPs - build now, pay heavily later PPP slide 1
  • Click to read the case study: UK hositals PPP slide 2
  • Click to read the case study: London underground, United Kingdom PPP slide 3
  • Click to read: PPPs and public services: cutting costs or cutting corners? PPP slide 4
  • Click to read: PPPs and value for money? PPP slide 5
  • Click to read: PPPs and efficiency through risk transfer? PPP slide 6
  • PPP slide 7
  • Click to read: Efficiency through meeting deadlines? PPP slide 8
  • Click to read: No PPP can rescue a poorly planned infrastructure project PPP slide 9
  • Read: Public private partnerships and corruption PPP slide 10

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are being promoted in various countries as a solution to finance infrastructure projects with limited public budgets. Despite a multitude of problems with PPPs in Europe, some politicians, bankers and industry representatives still hail PPPs as if they were a silver bullet.

The problems with PPPs

Public-private partnerships don't live up to their promises. While their advantages are being exaggerated, they have often put burdens on public budgets and service users.

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The PPPs that went wrong

Cases from all over Europe expose the true costs of public-private partnerships. Whether it is roads, hospital buildings or water facilities, it's often tax payers who have to foot the overpriced bill.

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